Energy Users, Energy Efficiency and Ecological Sustainability in Housing: An extract from an Australian Evaluation of Energy Efficient Houses project

Sustainability in design implicates a wide range of issues including renewable energy, energy in-use, energy in-materials, and urban design issues. The role of the energy user/consumer is, however, often overlooked, but their attitudes to and knowledge of energy issues and their energy efficient behaviours in their dwellings are vital forms of environmental interaction and responsibility. A recently completed post occupancy evaluation indicates the importance of lifestyle issues in energy consumption; and a possible mismatch between designer/builder expectations and householder thermal comfort experiences. It is suggested that energy efficiency as a goal be clearly linked to its associated role in sustaining environmental quality, and that the thermal comfort and lifestyle-amenity - rather than energy saving - potentials of climate appropriate design be emphasised. It is proposed that solar efficient design is a potential built-in to housing, and that associated life quality potentials are more likely to be influential in both the adoption of such housing in the marketplace, and in its efficient operation.