Modelling of wind generation at all scales for transmission system analysis

This study presents a general methodology for a more accurate assessment of performance of networks with a high penetration of wind-based energy generation. The methodology allows to analyse wind generation at all scales of implementation, including highly dispersed micro- and small-scale individual wind turbines connected at low voltage, as well as small- to medium-size wind farms (WFs) connected to distribution networks at medium voltage. Such an ‘all-scale’ approach for modelling wind generation is still missing from existing literature. An advanced mesoscale atmospheric model of wind energy resources is applied to generate realistic input wind speed data at all scales of implementation, from which generated power outputs are calculated using simple but accurate aggregate wind generation models. The presented methodology is specifically intended for assessing the impact of embedded wind generation on transmission system planning and operation. The methodology is validated using a case study of an actual section of the UK transmission network, where measurements from several WFs and system bulk load supply points are used to demonstrate its applicability and assess its limitations.