Toward sustainable fuel cells

Improved fuel-cell catalysts require much less platinum for the same performance A quarter of humanity's current energy consumption is used for transportation (1). Low-temperature hydrogen fuel cells offer much promise for replacing this colossal use of fossil fuels with renewables; these fuel cells produce negligible emissions and have a mileage and filling time equal to a regular gasoline car. However, current fuel cells require 0.25 g of platinum (Pt) per kilowatt of power (2) as catalysts to drive the electrode reactions. If the entire global annual production of Pt were devoted to fuel cell vehicles, fewer than 10 million vehicles could be produced each year, a mere 10% of the annual automotive vehicle production. Lowering the Pt loading in a fuel cell to a sustainable level requires the reactivity of Pt to be tuned so that it accelerates oxygen reduction more effectively (3). Two reports in this issue address this challenge (4, 5).

[1]  Michael F Toney,et al.  Lattice-strain control of the activity in dealloyed core-shell fuel cell catalysts. , 2010, Nature chemistry.

[2]  Tao Wu,et al.  Biaxially strained PtPb/Pt core/shell nanoplate boosts oxygen reduction catalysis , 2016, Science.

[3]  H. Gasteiger,et al.  Activity benchmarks and requirements for Pt, Pt-alloy, and non-Pt oxygen reduction catalysts for PEMFCs , 2005 .

[4]  Yang Shao-Horn,et al.  Record activity and stability of dealloyed bimetallic catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells , 2014 .

[5]  Lin Gan,et al.  Compositional segregation in shaped Pt alloy nanoparticles and their structural behaviour during electrocatalysis. , 2013, Nature materials.

[6]  A. Kucernak,et al.  Electrocatalytic performance of fuel cell reactions at low catalyst loading and high mass transport. , 2013, Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.

[7]  Mark K. Debe,et al.  Electrocatalyst approaches and challenges for automotive fuel cells , 2012, Nature.

[8]  Anusorn Kongkanand,et al.  The Priority and Challenge of High-Power Performance of Low-Platinum Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. , 2016, The journal of physical chemistry letters.

[9]  Jason Marcinkoski,et al.  DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program , 2012 .

[10]  Qinghua Zhang,et al.  Ultrafine jagged platinum nanowires enable ultrahigh mass activity for the oxygen reduction reaction , 2016, Science.

[11]  U. G. Vej-Hansen,et al.  Tuning the activity of Pt alloy electrocatalysts by means of the lanthanide contraction , 2016, Science.

[12]  Karren L. More,et al.  Highly Crystalline Multimetallic Nanoframes with Three-Dimensional Electrocatalytic Surfaces , 2014, Science.

[13]  Wenbin Gu,et al.  Impact of Platinum Loading and Catalyst Layer Structure on PEMFC Performance , 2012 .