Developing and Validating Test Items

Part I: A Foundation for Developing and Validating Test Items 1. The Role of Validity in Item Development 2. Developing the Test Item 3. Content and Cognitive Demand of Test Items 4. Choosing an Item Format Part II: Developing Selected-response Items 5. Selected-response Formats 6. Guidelines for Writing Selected-response Items 7. Exemplary and Innovative Selected-response Item Formats 8. Automatic Item Generation 9. Formats and Guidelines for Survey Items Part III: Developing Constructed-response Test Items 10. Constructed-response Formats for Measuring Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities 11. Guidelines for Writing Constructed-response Items 12. Scoring Constructed-response Items Part IV: Unique Applications for Selected-response and Constructed-response Formats 13. Developing Items to Measure Writing Ability 14. Developing and Validating Items for Professional Credentialing Tests 15. Developing Items for Accessibility by Individuals with Exceptionalities Part V: Validity Evidence Arising from Item Development and Item Response Validation 16. Validity Evidence Coming from Item Development Procedures 17. Validity Evidence from Statistical Study of Objectively-scored Test Items 18. Validity Evidence from Statistical Study of Subjectively-scored Items 19. Issues Involving Item Responses and Item Validation Part VI: Part VI: The Future of Item Development and Validation 20. The Future for Item Development and Validation