Challenges in the development of the orbiter active thermal control subsystem

A number of major challenges were faced in the design and development of the Orbiter Active Thermal Control Subsystem (ATCS). At the system level, the initial challenges were to define an approach that would interface dual Freon coolant loops with multiple coolant loops from other vehicle subsystems with the lowest weight penalty to the Orbiter; and to provide highly responsive vehicle heat rejection throughout all of the Orbiter mission phases. Optimized heat exchangers, representing an advance in the state-of-the-art in heat exchanger design, were developed to transfer heat between the orbiter Freon coolant loops and five other vehicle systems. Flash evaporation was selected as a highly efficient and responsive means for cooling the Orbiter Freon loops during ascent and entry. The Flash Evaporator Subsystem (FES) utilizes cyclic water spray cooling in a chamber maintained at or below the water triple point pressure. A summary of the basic heat transfer research conducted to identify the fundamental heat transfer processes involved in water spray cooling in support of the FES design is given. The high fidelity dynamic analytical model of the FES that was generated to aid in the design of control logic, evaluate performance and simulate ground test and flight anomalies is discussed. A description of the FES and Integrated ATCS testing conducted in the SESL chamber A at NASA-JSC is also presented.