Computer systems and software engineering : state-of-the-art
1. The Evolution of Data Memory and Storage: An Overview W.E. Proebster. 2. Optimizing Logic for Speed, Size, and Testability R.K. Brayton, A. Saldanha. 3. VLSI Architectures for Digital Video Signal Processing P. Pirsch. 4. Compiler Techniques for Massive Parallel Architectures L. Thiele. 5. Programmable Cellular Neural Networks T. Roska. 6. Developments in Parallel Programming Languages R.H. Perrott. 7. Load Balancing Grid-Oriented Applications on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers D. Roose, J. De Keyser, R. Van Driessche. 8. Strategic Decision Analysis and Group Decision Support S. French. 9. Ten Years of Advances in Machine Learning Y. Kodratoff. 10. Designing Logic Programming Languages J.W. Lloyd. 11. Efficient Bottom-up Evaluation of Logic Programs R. Ramakrishnan, D. Srivastava, S. Sudarshan. 12. Proving Correctness of Executable Programs K. Lester. 13. Direct Manipulation as a Basis for Constructing Graphical User Interfaces Coupled to Application Functions J. van den Bos. 14. Visualization of Volumetric Medical Image Data K.J. Zuiderveld, M.A. Viergever. 15. Scientific Visualization J.J. van Wijk. 16. Picture Archiving and Communications Systems R. Mattheus.