Investigation of BSIM4 parameter extraction and characterization for Multi Gate Oxide-Dual Work Function (MGO-DWF)-MOSFET

We investigate the BSIM4 parameter extraction procedure for Multi Gate Oxide-Dual Work Function MOSFET by using the SPICE modeling tool. Process parameters were carefully derived from the measured and simulated data. Parameter sets for total channel length down to 130nm were obtained, as long as process parameters are well defined. Larger transconductance, smaller drain conductance, and parasitic capacitance in the drain side can be observed on the extracted parameters. The extracted parameters will be a useful tool for characterizing the circuit performance of Multi Gate Oxide-Dual Work Function MOSFET. Furthermore, our extraction procedure is applicable to extract the BSIM4 model parameters for Multi Gate Oxide-Dual Work Function MOSFET as well as other structures and materials.