항공분야 빅데이터의 정책적 활용방안 연구
The Park Geun-hye Administration, with the purpose of ’Government 3.0 realization’, suggested the strategy for creative economy activation and job creation is based on opening and utilizing public data. The aim is to secure the driving force of major government projects, provide people with customized services, create new jobs and support creative economy at the same time through active opening and sharing of public data and inter-departmental communication and cooperation within the government via the elimination of barriers between branches of the government. Foreign research on the analysis of big data in the aviation sector is still at an early stage and is mostly relevant to aviation transportation, airline carriers and aviation safety. Several benefits from existing research includes official decision-making methods for individuals, competitive profits, and productivity growth. Furthermore, existing research consisting of analysis and utilization based on aviation data include aviation radar data, airport-related data, weather data, airline carriers navigation data, airport information, aviation transportation market information, passenger information, and aviation safety information have been carried out. Therefore, by collecting, analyzing and processing the said knowledge and information which forms the basis of advancement in the aviation industry, discovering new value in convergence, and preparing methods which connect and converge the data are vital. This research investigates the potential utilization availability of big data in the aviation sector and aims to suggest basic plans and political utilization methods. The concept of big data is defined in terms of 3Vs whose properties are known as velocity, volume and variety of data. However, in the aviation sector, the concept is characterized in terms of 6Vs; velocity, volume, variety, veracity, visualization and value which have three more defining properties derived from the analysis of various data. This research examined domestic and foreign precedents for policies and analysis of utilization to enable the activation of big data. The analysis of big data in the aviation sector has been carried out across the whole field of aviation, including aviation safety, airline carriers, airports, navigation, and research on convergence analysis (e.g. safety and weather data) of public data as well as analysis of private data research are being carried out abroad. Unfortunately there needs to be a great improvement on collection and analysis utilization of big data in the aviation sector compared to other transportation sectors and national and international precedents.