The share-loc project: a WAP-based maritime location system

Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) currently usedto detect and warn about possible maritime navigationcollisions are a suitable solution for well equipped ships,but are unfortunately quite expensive and difficult tomaintain for small ships and pleasure boats. The Share-Locproject purpose is to design and implement analternative maritime navigation system for small shipsand boats.The Share-Loc system is made of a navigationdatabase server and mobile navigation clients. It is basedon a client server architecture that maintains a globalview of a given navigation area on the server side, and aWAP-based solution that provides location-based data onthe clients side. The server is a web-based programrunning on an Internet connected computer. Each clientis a WAP-enabled mobile phone device that accesses theWEB server data through a WAP gateway programrunning on the server computer. Mobile clients areconnected to Internet service providers according to theirchoice of telephone handset and mobile telephonenetwork. Subsequently each authorised client is able torequest the appropriate UML address on the server andto start the navigation-based application.

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