Evaluation of the impact of distributed generation on power losses by using a sensitivity-based method

The connection of generators on distribution feeders may cause significant impact on the steady-state performance of the network. Quantification of the impacts on power losses, in a systematic way, is a difficult task due to the complexity of network operation since generators can operate with different lead and lag power factors and, occasionally, can inject variable active power on the network. This paper evaluates the impact of distributed generators on the active and reactive power losses of the system by using a sensitivity-based method. From one base case power flow solution it is possible to estimate the active and reactive power losses for a new generator installed at any bus of the system, for any combination of active power injection, and also for any operating power factor. The effects of varying the location, generation level and operating mode of the generators can be easily assessed by using the analytical method. Moreover, a numerical index to quantify the impact of multi-distributed generators on power losses is also proposed. The method is applied to a 70-bus distribution network. The simulations results are compared with those obtained by the repetitive power flow solutions in order to validate the results obtained by the sensitivity-based method.