Educational Aims in the Technological Society

In the last issue of this journal I concluded an article by asking what were the aims of COT.! The difficulties to which I drew attention are made worse to a stranger to the COT scene who hears enthusiastic pleas being made for education for the techno l ogical society through compute r s and the like, without mention being made of the specific role o f COT. Such a stranger may indeed discover that a number of many so - called COT workshops appea r to differ very little from the school craft shops of the past . He recognises however that the su bject has become up-graded in status partly because of its association with technology but he may not be clear exactly what this is. He is therefore concerned with two major questions: a. What are the aims of education in a technological society? b . What contribution does COT make of 3uch aims? In order to come to grips with these questions I intend to examine the nature of educational aims, the distinguishing marks of technology and the unique features and problems constituent of the technological society .