Escolha informada no parto: um pensar para o cuidado centrado nas necessidades da mulher - doi: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v11i5.17062

The shared decision making among those involved in assisting childbirth is a subject rarely discussed in Brazil. Health professionals should promote the empowerment of women in childbirth, starting with evidence-based information and unbiased, so that they can make decisions shared with them. This article focuses on the theme of informed choice in childbirth. Discusses the current health care model, the scarcity and quality of information offered by professional associations, the various factors that influence the choices and decisions of the woman on the type of delivery and care. Encourage informed decision making for women is enhancing its ability to decide to respect the right to their own bodies and autonomy, seek new ways and means to act as professionals, promote the right to personhood and rescue care focusing on the needs women. With an ethical practice based on evidences, pregnant women can be seen as leaders of the whole process, and their pregnancy and delivery as physiological phenomena, which they can plan freely.