Implementing MIL-STD-499B Systems Engineering on a mature program

MIL-STD-499B "Systems Engineering" defines a disciplined design and verification process for developing new systems. It's iterative and balanced approach results in systems that meet all of their intended needs and satisfy all of their intended customers. Mature systems with well defined designs, established specifications, limited requirements traceability, and existing design and manufacturing processes are faced with a dilemma when addressing modifications and upgrades. Full implementation of MIL-STD-499B cannot be cost justified, while the absence of implementation results in stagnation of the program and a weakened competitive position. McDonnell Douglas Aerospace (MDA) is implementing MIL-STD-499B across the enterprise, including mature systems such as the F-15 weapon system. MDA has developed a systems engineering manual as a guideline for the implementation of MIL-STD-499B. The F-15 program has taken the system engineering manual and tailored it to support new development activity. The F-15 program expects to improve product reliability and maintainability, develop performance upgrades, and improve the producibility of the F-15 weapon system by applying a disciplined systems engineering process to selected elements of the system. The F-15 program is expanding its system engineering approach as part of its integrated product development organization. This paper describes MDA's system engineering process, the tailored F-15 program implementation approach, progress to date and lessons learned.<<ETX>>