Disorders of gastrointestinal motility: Towards a new classification 1

can be learnt from the patient. In the last decade, the ‘Delphic’ technique has been used to try and define combinations of symptoms in the belief, or hope, that specific symptom patterns correspond to specific underlying disorders. The ‘Rome criteria’ for the definition and diagnosis of functional gastrointestinal disorders have received much attention. Unfortunately, consensus of opinions by experts does not, per se, confer scientific validity. Evidence-based medicine requires not consensus, but evidence. We have reappraised the problem of classifying motor disorders by relying on what can be established by the detection of abnormal motor patterns, usually, but not invariably, associated with the altered movement of the contents of the digestive tube. In some, but not yet all, disorders, this approach is reinforced by identification of underlying pathological change in enteric innervation or musculature. While we remain aware that the association between symptoms—the perception that drives patients to seek help—and motor abnormalities is not always clear, we have taken the view that objectively reproducible alterations in organ function provide a robust basis for taxonomy. Such problems are not unique to gastroenterology; as an example, the association between dyspnea and specific pulmonary pathologies is not always clear, but dyspnea is a useful indication of abnormal respiratory function indicative of disease. Clinicians may feel dismayed that we have not elected to define two commonly used terms: ‘functional dysINTRODUCTION

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