Law and tradition in classical Islamic thought : studies in honor of professor Hossein Modarressi

Introduction PART I: SOURCE STUDIES 1. The Ab? Bas?r Tradition: Qur??nic Verses on the Merits of the Sh??a E.Kohlberg 2. Criteria for Emending the Text of the Qur'an B.Sadeki 3. Mu??wiya in the Hij?z : The Study of a Tradition N.Haider PART II: SHI'I TRADITION 4. The Kit?b al-was.iyya of ??s? b. al-Mustaf?d:The History of a Text H. Ansari 5. Women in Im?m? Biographical Collections A. Sayeed 6. Why Incline to the Left in Prayer? Sectarianism, Dialectic, and Archaeology in Im?m? Sh??ism M. Cook PART III: ISLAMIC LEGAL TRADITIONS 7. Dissent and Uncertainty in the Process of Legal Norm Construction in Muslim Sunn? Law B. Johansen 8. Islamic Legal Minimalism: Legal Maxims and Lawmaking When Jurists Disappear I.A. Rabb 9. Cultivating Human Rights: Islamic Law and the Humanist Imperative K.A.El Fadl PART IV: PHILOSOPHICAL TRADITIONS 10. Yah. y? b. ?Ad?'s Discussion of the Prolegomena to the Study of a Philosophical Text R. Wisnovsky 11. Two Commentaries on Najm al-D?n al-K?tib?'s al-Shamsiyya, Copied in the Hand of David b. Joshua Maimonides (fl. ca. 1335-1410 CE ) S. Schmidtke 12. Logic in the Khayr?b?d? School of India: A Preliminary Exploration A. Ahmed PART V: HISTORICAL TRADITIONS 13. The Eastern Travels of Solomon: Reimagining Persepolis and the Iranian Past R. Mottahedeh 14. Al-Hasan b. M?s? al-Nawbakht? on the Views of Astronomers and Astrologers W. Madelung 15. Conversion and Law: A Muslim-Christian Comparison R. Bulliet PART VI: THE SCHOLARLY OUTPUT OF PROFESSOR HOSSEIN MODARRESSI Bibliography of Works by Professor Hossein Modarressi I.A.Rabb and H. Ansari A Bibliographical Note on the Persian Works H. Kamaly Contributors Index