Geothermal Energy in Iran

Activities in the field of geothermal energy in Iran are focused on scientific and research aspects, and research part is aimed at reduction of capital required for exploitation of related resources. The second step is to work research results into scientific dimension of this field for practical means, i.e. establishing electricity power plants and direct uses. At the moment, projects assuming 50 MWe of geothermal power plants are underway. Based on the planning in the 4th Socioeconomic and Cultural Development Plan (2005–2010), private sector is expected to have a share of at least 500 MW in renewable energies. However, it is the government’s duty to take the first step for investment in geothermal energy. The project of Iran’s renewable energy, aims to accelerate the sustainable development of geothermal energy through investment and removal of barriers. The potential of geothermal development in Iran is large in terms of moderate, low and high temperature. Distribution map of potential areas for geothermal resource in Iran have been drawn which shows 14 suitable regions for geothermal activities. Between these 14 regions, Sabalan region seems to have the most considerable resources and Meshkinshahr field also in this region has priority for installation of a geothermal power plant. Surface and drilling exploration and resource assessment have been ended. According reservoir numerical model and feasibility study, 50 MW power plant for 5 km2 area was proved. Extention of reservoir has been predicted 20 km2 and 250 MW installed capacity was expected from this field. The new exploration and delineation wells are in progress.