Meeting the challenge ahead
Our obligation as the professional group most concerned with communications systems is to help stimulate the organization of the necessary efforts, the circulation of the existing information, the definition of the problems that must be solved, and the anticipation of the equipment needs. As a necessary step in this direction we call for contributions to the organization of special issues of the TRANSACTIONS on areas of special concern. Three areas have been singled out for immediate work: Problems of Space Communication, Problems of Digital Data Transmission, and Problems of Communications Nets. Suggestions for organization of these issues and contributions in these areas are earnestly solicited. In order to secure an adequate "backbone" for each issue, special review papers are invited and will be sought from likely contributors. Coordination will be effected through the advance publication of outlines of the desired issues in this editorial section of the TRANSACTIONS. An important parting remark is in order. These special issues will not replace regular issues of the TRANSACTIONS. In order to keep up with our fundamental obligation to publish timely contributions that do not fall in these special areas, we shall publish the "special issues" as major sections of regular issues.