A 3D QCT technique of the thoracic and lumbar spine: integral volume and intervertebral disc space increase and bmd decreases from T6 to L4

Intervertebral Disc Space Increase and BMD decreases from T6 to L4 O. Museyko1, Johannes Scheitacker1, Axel Heinemann2, Mattias Krause3, Reinhard Barkmann4, Michael Amling3, Claus Glüer4, Klaus Püschel2, K. Engelke1 1Institute of Medical Physics (IMP), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 2Institute for Forensic Medicine, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 3Institute for Osteology and Biomechanics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 4Molecular Imaging North Competence Center, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany