Tilt Rotor Aeroacoustic Model Project

Summary A new tiltrotor aeroacoustic research facility, the Tilt Rotor Aeroacoustic Model (TRAM), is being developed by NASA and the U. S. Army. The TRAM Project will enable new insights into the fundamental aeroacoustics of proprotors and tiltrotor aircraft, leading to improved acoustic prediction methodologies and noise reduction techniques. An overview of NASA's goals in understanding and reducing the technology barriers for civil tiltrotor aircraft is provided as well as a description of how TRAM will support these goals. TRAM is capable of being configured as an isolated rotor or as a complete full-span dual rotor aircraft model. The TRAM test stands and their modular, compatible sub-systems are described in detail. Sample results from an isolated rotor test recently completed at the Duits-Nederlandse Windtunnel are presented. The current status of the full-span model development is described.