Curve and Surface Design

Part I. Curve Design: Properties of Minimal Energy Splines G. Brunnett Minimal Energy splines with Various End Constraints E. Jou and W. Han Interval Weighted Tau- splines D. Lasser and H. Hagen Curve and surface Interpolation using Quintic Weight Tau-splines D. Neuser Weighted splines Based on Piecewise Polynomial Weighted Functions K. Salkauskas Algorithms for Geometric spline Curves M. Eck On the Problem of Determining the distance Between parametric curves F. Fritsch and G. Nielson Part II. Non-Tensor Product Surfaces: A survey of scattered Data Fitting Using Triangular Interpolants T. De Rose Free-form surfaces from Partial Differential Equations M. I. G. Bloor and M. J. Wilson Modeling with Box spline surfaces M. Daehlen.