Benchmarking In-Train Coverage Measurements of Mobile Cellular Users

Providing a reliable connectivity for passengers on trains requires to identify and optimize No Service (NoS) areas along a railway track in live networks. We perform a spatial analysis of heterogeneity effect for a mobile user capable to connect on different Radio Access Technologies (RATs). The analysis is supported by real-world measurements, conducted on new regional trains along Austrian railways. Based on established RF similarities and by spatially clustering approximately same size grid-blocks along railway tracks, we give insights in terms of coverage implications to handovers and outages. The handover rate is increased up to four times on presence of insignificant NoS areas. To mitigate the vehicle chassis effect, we equip the train under test with a Moving Relay Node (MRN) and investigate the coverage improvements and outage rate for mobile users under different scenarios. On-board the train with MRN, the outage rate is decreased up to 3% along a railway equipped with dedicated Base Stations (BSs).