Challenges and Strategies for Local Road Safety Training and Technology Transfer
A significant increase in the safety of transportation networks in the United States and throughout the world will require the direct involvement of local jurisdictions (e.g., counties, townships, villages, and cities). In 1998, approximately 4 out of 10 fatalities in the United States occurred on collector and local roadways. Local road agencies need to have the skills to identify, evaluate, and mitigate safety concerns. Effective local road safety training, technology transfer, and resources are essential. A number of challenges need to be met to complete these tasks, but current local road safety training and technology transfer programs and strategies also offer opportunities. Some of these challenges are identified and discussed, and several current and potential programs and strategies for local road safety training and technology transfer are described. Relevant results from a recent FHWA and AASHTO international scan tour on the management and organization of comprehensive highway safety programs are also presented and used to support the suggestions provided. A synopsis of the relevant discussions from a recent workshop on highway safety workforce development, sponsored by FHWA, AASHTO, TRB, and ITE, is also offered. The objective is to initiate discussion about the need for and development of a comprehensive and cost-effective local safety training and technology transfer program.