In the frame of our national project “Development of Natural Science Competences” we have prepared physical educational materials, which main goal is to indicate better didactic strategies for the systematic development of pupils' natural science competences, one of them being the digital competence. In this contribution we describe two sets of representative materials, one for primary and the other one for secondary school pupils. The first set of materials is dedicated to the realization of group experimental work on the subject of electric circuits and the second set is a textand web-based learning materials about optical phenomena in the atmosphere. A common feature of both sets of materials is that pupils are requested to prepare PowerPoint presentations of their new findings and present them to their schoolfellows. Our materials are supplied with instructions about a proper creation of slides and a suitable realization of the oral presentation. Sažetak U okviru našeg nacionalnog projekta „Razvoj prirodoslovnih kompetencija“ pripremili smo obrazovne materijale za nastavu fizike, kojima je glavni cilj što bolje prikazati didaktičke strategije za sustavni razvoj prirodoslovnih kompetencija učenika, a jedna od njih je digitalna kompetencija. U ovom radu opisujemo dva reprezentativna seta obrazovnih materijala, jedan za učenike osnovnih i drugi za učenike srednjih škola. Prvi set materijala je posvećen eksperimentalnom radu sa temom strujnih krugova, dok se drugi set temelji na učenju o optičkim pojavama u atmosferi putem teksta i Interneta. Zajednička značajka oba seta materijala je u tome, da učenici moraju o novo stečenim znanjima pripremiti PowerPoint prezentacije i potom ih prezentirati svojim kolegama u razredu. Materijali sadrže točne upute za izradu slajdova kao i upute za usmeno izlaganje.