A common sense approach to consequence analysis at a large DOE site
The primary objective of the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) at the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River Site (SRS) is to quantify health and economic risks posed by K Reactor operation to the nearby offsite and onsite areas from highly unlikely severe accidents. The overall risk analyses have also been instrumental as defensible bases for analyzing existing safety margins of the restart configuration; determining component, human action, and engineering system vulnerabilities; comparing measures of risk to DOE and commercial guidelines; and prioritizing risk-significant improvements. The key final phase of these probabilistic risk calculations, a third level of analysis or Level 3 PSA, requires the determination of the conditional consequences to onsite workers and the DOE reservation facilities, given low-probability, postulated fuel-melting accidents with accompanying atmospheric releases have occurred. A modified version of the commercial reactor-based MACCS 1.5 code, MACCS/ON, is used in the context of the SRS PSA to perform the consequence determinations. The updated code is applicable to other large DOE sites for risk analyses of facility operations, and is compatible with proposed modifications planned by code developers, Sandia National Laboratories.