Global River Discharge, 1807-1991, V[ersion]. 1.1 (RivDIS)

The Global Monthly River Discharge Data Set contains monthly averaged discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station with a mean of 21.5 years. The data are derived from the published UNESCO archives for river discharge, and checked against information obtained from the Global Runoff Center in Koblenz, Germany through the U.S. National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. Citation: Vorosmarty, C.J., B.M. Fekete, and B.A. Tucker. 1998. Global River Disc harge Database (RivDis) V. 1.1. Available online [] and on CD-ROM from the ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.