Web-Based Information System for Blood Donation

This research work is an attempt to practically implement the Information Technology in real world problems. This system provides multiple facilities, i.e. maintaining record, analysis of various parameters for research issues and providing online information. Hardly there exist such types of online systems in Pakistan that can serve mankind and save precious lives. This system enables users to search, collect and donate blood to the patients who are waiting for the last drop of the blood and are nearby to death. Data was tested for the Blood Donor Society, Gomal University, D.I.Khan. The website contains 42 links, some of them are static and all others are dynamic. The registered donors are very small as compared to the total strength of 7414 of the university In this age of wisdom and modernity ironically the greatest predicament that exists is that the cost of living and saving lives has become higher, and unfortunately life itself has lost its worth to us. Numerous blood donors’ societies are there in Pakistan and in the world as a whole. But very few online systems exists that could help humanity well in time and save precious lives. Manual systems as compared to Computer Based . The system is much secure and no unauthorized user can change it. This system can be extended to other welfare societies, health organizations and hospitals through WAN.