Flow phenomena in rocks : from continuum models to fractals, percolation, cellular automata, and simulated annealing

In this paper, theoretical and experimental approaches to flow, hydrodynamic dispersion, and miscible and immiscible displacement processes in reservoir rocks are reviewed and discussed. Both macroscopically homogeneous and heterogeneous rocks are considered. The latter are characterized by large-scale spatial variations and correlations in their effective properties and include rocks that may be characterized by several distinct degrees of porosity, a well-known example of which is a fractured rock with two degrees of porosity---those of the pores and of the fractures. First, the diagenetic processes that give rise to the present reservoir rocks are discussed and a few geometrical models of such processes are described. Then, measurement and characterization of important properties, such as pore-size distribution, pore-space topology, and pore surface roughness, and morphological properties of fracture networks are discussed. It is shown that fractal and percolation concepts play important roles in the characterization of rocks, from the smallest length scale at the pore level to the largest length scales at the fracture and fault scales. Next, various structural models of homogeneous and heterogeneous rock are discussed, and theoretical and computer simulation approaches to flow, dispersion, and displacement in such systems are reviewed. Two different modeling approaches to these phenomena are compared. The first approach is based on the classical equations of transport supplemented with constitutive equations describing the transport and other important coefficients and parameters. These are called the continuum models. The second approach is based on network models of pore space and fractured rocks; it models the phenomena at the smallest scale, a pore or fracture, and then employs large-scale simulation and modern concepts of the statistical physics of disordered systems, such as scaling and universality, to obtain the macroscopic properties of the system. The fundamental roles of the interconnectivity of the rock and its wetting properties in dispersion and two-phase flows, and those of microscopic and macroscopic heterogeneities in miscible displacements are emphasized. Two important conceptual advances for modeling fractured rocks and studying flow phenomena in porous media are also discussed. The first, based on cellular automata, can in principle be used for computing macroscopic properties of flow phenomena in any porous medium, regardless of the complexity of its structure. The second, simulated annealing, borrowed from optimization processes and the statistical mechanics of spin glasses, is used for finding the optimum structure of a fractured reservoir that honors a limited amount of experimental data.

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[249]  Lincoln Paterson,et al.  Radial fingering in a Hele Shaw cell , 1981, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[250]  L. Sander,et al.  Diffusion-limited aggregation, a kinetic critical phenomenon , 1981 .

[251]  N. Morrow,et al.  Effects of sample size on capillary pressures in porous media , 1981 .

[252]  E. T. Gawlinski,et al.  Continuum percolation in two dimensions: Monte Carlo tests of scaling and universality for non-interacting discs , 1981 .

[253]  D. Fisher,et al.  Interpreting Relative Permeability and Wettability From Unsteady-State Displacement Measurements , 1981 .

[254]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Displacement of residual nonwetting fluid from porous media , 1981 .

[255]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Percolation and conductivity of random two-dimensional composites , 1981 .

[256]  J. Pickens,et al.  Scale‐dependent dispersion in a stratified granular aquifer , 1981 .

[257]  L. Lake,et al.  Taylor's Dispersion in Stratified Porous Media , 1981 .

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[261]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Percolation theory of two phase flow in porous media , 1981 .

[262]  Joel Koplik,et al.  Capillary displacement and percolation in porous media , 1982, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[263]  J. Noorishad,et al.  An upstream finite element method for solution of transient transport equation in fractured porous media , 1982 .

[264]  Morrel H. Cohen,et al.  Quantitative methods for microgeometric modeling , 1982 .

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[267]  J. O. Amaefule,et al.  The Effect of Interfacial Tensions on Relative Oil/Water Permeabilities of Consolidated Porous Media , 1982 .

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[269]  George M. Homsy,et al.  Stokes flow through periodic arrays of spheres , 1982, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[270]  Allan L. Gutjahr,et al.  Stochastic analysis of spatial variability in two‐dimensional steady groundwater flow assuming stationary and nonstationary heads , 1982 .

[271]  C. Broeck A stochastic description of longitudinal dispersion in uniaxial flows , 1982 .

[272]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  Random walks on the Bethe lattice , 1982 .

[273]  Alkiviades C. Payatakes,et al.  Dynamics of Oil Ganglia During Immiscible Displacement in Water-Wet Porous Media , 1982 .

[274]  Andreas Acrivos,et al.  Slow flow past periodic arrays of cylinders with application to heat transfer , 1982 .

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[276]  Dietrich Stauffer,et al.  Gelation and critical phenomena , 1982 .

[277]  L. Paterson,et al.  A consolidated porous medium for the visualization of unstable displacements , 1982 .

[278]  Morrel H. Cohen,et al.  The effect of grain anisotropy on the electrical properties of sedimentary rocks , 1982 .

[279]  P. Todorovic A stochastic model of longitudinal dispersion of bed sediment based on the granulation function , 1982 .

[280]  G. Dagan Stochastic modeling of groundwater flow by unconditional and conditional probabilities: 1. Conditional simulation and the direct problem , 1982 .

[281]  Joel Koplik,et al.  Creeping flow in two-dimensional networks , 1982, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[282]  Morrell H. Cohen,et al.  Nuclear magnetic relaxation and the internal geometry of sedimentary rocks , 1982 .

[283]  T. Hewett,et al.  Fluid convection and mass transfer in porous sandstones—a theoretical model , 1982 .

[284]  N. Wardlaw The Effects of Geometry, Wettability, Viscosity And Interfacial Tension On Trapping In Single Pore-throat Pairs , 1982 .

[285]  John C. Slattery,et al.  Three‐dimensional, randomized, network model for two‐phase flow through porous media , 1982 .

[286]  K. Mendelson Nuclear magnetic resonance in sedimentary rocks: Effect of proton desorption rate , 1982 .

[287]  B. Derrida,et al.  A transfer-matrix approach to random resistor networks , 1982 .

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[292]  G. Mason The effect of pore space connectivity on the hysteresis of capillary condensation in adsorption—desorption isotherms , 1982 .

[293]  Franklin W. Schwartz,et al.  A Stochastic Analysis of Macroscopic Dispersion in Fractured Media , 1983 .

[294]  Stephen Whitaker,et al.  Dispersion in pulsed systems—III: Comparison between theory and experiments for packed beds , 1983 .

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[308]  P. Gennes Hydrodynamic dispersion in unsaturated porous media , 1983, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

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[311]  A. Aharony Anomalous Diffusion on Percolating Clusters , 1983 .

[312]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  DISPERSION IN DISORDERED POROUS MEDIA , 1983 .

[313]  I. Balberg,et al.  Computer study of the percolation threshold in a two-dimensional anisotropic system of conducting sticks , 1983 .

[314]  P. Ortoleva,et al.  Periodic precipitation and coarsening waves: Applications of the competitive particle growth modela) , 1983 .

[315]  Peter Pfeifer,et al.  Chemistry in noninteger dimensions between two and three. I. Fractal theory of heterogeneous surfaces , 1983 .

[316]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  Real-space renormalization and effective-medium approximation to the percolation conduction problem , 1983 .

[317]  C. Anderson,et al.  Critical Behavior of the Two-Dimensional Sticks System , 1983 .

[318]  Stephen Whitaker,et al.  Dispersion in pulsed systems—II: Theoretical developments for passive dispersion in porous media , 1983 .

[319]  E. T. Gawlinski,et al.  Monte-Carlo renormalisation group for continuum percolation with excluded-volume interactions , 1983 .

[320]  T. Madden,et al.  Microcrack connectivity in rocks: A renormalization group approach to the critical phenomena of conduction and failure in crystalline rocks , 1983 .

[321]  P. Hammond Nonlinear adjustment of a thin annular film of viscous fluid surrounding a thread of another within a circular cylindrical pipe , 1983, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[322]  L. Sander,et al.  Diffusion-limited aggregation , 1983 .

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[324]  L. Paterson The implications of fingering in underground hydrogen storage , 1983 .

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[326]  D. Farin,et al.  Chemistry in noninteger dimensions between two and three. II: Fractal surfaces of adsorbents , 1983 .

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[333]  David Wilkinson,et al.  Invasion percolation: a new form of percolation theory , 1983 .

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[338]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Percolation and conduction on the 3D Voronoi and regular networks: a second case study in topological disorder , 1984 .

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[343]  Harold D. Bale,et al.  Small-angle X-ray-scattering investigation of submicroscopic porosity with fractal properties , 1984 .

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[346]  D. Farin,et al.  Scaling behavior of surface irregularity in the molecular domain: From adsorption studies to fractal catalysts , 1984 .

[347]  L. Paterson,et al.  Visualization of a Surfactant Flood of an Oil-Saturated Porous Medium , 1984 .

[348]  Singularities in nonlocal interface dynamics , 1984 .

[349]  D. E. Elrick,et al.  Serial sectioning and digitization of porous media for two‐ and three‐dimensional analysis and reconstruction , 1984 .

[350]  D. Wilkinson,et al.  Monte Carlo study of invasion percolation clusters in two and three dimensions , 1984 .

[351]  Tamás Vicsek,et al.  Pattern Formation in Diffusion-Limited Aggregation , 1984 .

[352]  Larry W. Lake,et al.  Precipitation and dissolution of solids attending flow through porous media , 1984 .

[353]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Percolation and conduction on Voronoi and triangular networks: a case study in topological disorder , 1984 .

[354]  Joel Koplik,et al.  Conductivity and permeability of rocks , 1984 .

[355]  Study of miscible fluid flows in a porous medium by an acoustical method , 1984 .

[356]  A. Nur,et al.  A pore space model for rock permeability and bulk modulus , 1984 .

[357]  P. G. de Gennes,et al.  A model for contact angle hysteresis , 1984 .

[358]  John H. Cushman,et al.  On unifying the concepts of scale, instrumentation, and stochastics in the development of multiphase transport theory , 1984 .

[359]  N. Morrow,et al.  Correlation of capillary number relationships for sandstone , 1984 .

[360]  Effective-medium approximation for density of states and the spectral dimension of percolation networks , 1984 .

[361]  F. Schwartz,et al.  An Analysis of the Influence of Fracture Geometry on Mass Transport in Fractured Media , 1984 .

[362]  L. Paterson,et al.  Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Two-Fluid Displacements in Porous Media , 1984 .

[363]  Dietrich Stauffer,et al.  Diffusion on random systems above, below, and at their percolation threshold in two and three dimensions , 1984 .

[364]  L. Lake,et al.  A New Approach to Shale Management in Field-Scale Models , 1984 .

[365]  L. Paterson,et al.  Water Fingering Into an Oil-Wet Porous Medium Saturated with Oil At Connate Water Saturation , 1984 .

[366]  D. Wilkinson Percolation model of immiscible displacement in the presence of buoyancy forces , 1984 .

[367]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  On the improvement of the effective-medium approximation to the percolation conductivity problem , 1984 .

[368]  M. Dias,et al.  Immiscible Microdisplacement and Ganglion Dynamics in Porous Media , 1984 .

[369]  J. Willemsen Investigation on Scaling and Hyperscaling for Invasion Percolation , 1984 .

[370]  P. Sen Grain shape effects on dielectric and electrical properties of rocks , 1984 .

[371]  G. Aeppli,et al.  Interface motion and nonequilibrium properties of the random-field Ising model , 1984 .

[372]  W. Conner,et al.  Measurement of the morphology of high surface area solids: hysteresis in mercury porosimetry , 1984 .

[373]  J. Aronovitz,et al.  Anomalous diffusion in steady fluid flow through a porous medium , 1984 .

[374]  C. Broeck,et al.  The asymptotic dispersion of particles in N‐layer systems , 1984 .

[375]  J. Koplik,et al.  Conductivity and permeability from microgeometry , 1984 .

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[377]  F. Molz,et al.  An Analysis of Dispersion in a Stratified Aquifer , 1984 .

[378]  Alan R. Kerstein,et al.  Critical Properties of the Void Percolation Problem for Spheres , 1984 .

[379]  J. N. Tilton,et al.  Collocation solution of creeping newtonian flow through sinusoidal tubes: A correction , 1984 .

[380]  Dale W. Schaefer,et al.  Fractal geometry of colloidal aggregates , 1984 .

[381]  Paul A. Witherspoon,et al.  A Model for Investigating Mechanical Transport in Fracture Networks , 1984 .

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[384]  P. Adler Transport processes in fractals II. Stokes flow in fractical capillary networks , 1985 .

[385]  M. Sahimi,et al.  A percolation model of catalyst deactivation by site coverage and pore blockage , 1985 .

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[391]  Fred J. Molz,et al.  Analysis and Interpretation of Single-Well Tracer Tests in Stratified Aquifers , 1985 .

[392]  G. Marsily,et al.  Water penetration through fractured rocks: Test of a tridimensional percolation description , 1985 .

[393]  P. Adler,et al.  Transport processes in fractals III. Taylor despersion in two examples of fractal capillary networks , 1985 .

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[401]  Lincoln Paterson,et al.  Fingering with miscible fluids in a Hele Shaw cell , 1985 .

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[405]  H. Stanley,et al.  Transport in a two-component randomly composite material: scaling theory and computer simulations of termite diffusion near the superconducting limit , 1985 .

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[408]  P. Adler Transport processes in fractals—I. Conductivity and permeability of a leibniz packing in the lubrication limit , 1985 .

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[418]  Peter Pfeifer,et al.  Surface geometric irregularity of particulate materials: the fractal approach , 1985 .

[419]  A. J. DeGregoria A predictive Monte Carlo simulation of two‐fluid flow through porous media at finite mobility ratio , 1985 .

[420]  M. Sahimi,et al.  Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase and Tension Behavior of CO2/Hydrocarbon Systems , 1985 .

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[429]  P. Adler Transport processes in fractals—IV. Nonlinear flow problems in fractal capillary networks , 1985 .

[430]  Paul A. Witherspoon,et al.  A Model for Steady Fluid Flow in Random Three‐Dimensional Networks of Disc‐Shaped Fractures , 1985 .

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[473]  Stephen Whitaker,et al.  Flow in porous media II: The governing equations for immiscible, two-phase flow , 1986 .

[474]  T. Vicsek,et al.  Diffusion-limited aggregation and regular patterns: fluctuations versus anisotropy , 1986 .

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[496]  David F. R. Mildner,et al.  Small‐angle scattering studies of the pore spaces of shaly rocks , 1986 .

[497]  T. Vicsek,et al.  Transitions of viscous fingering patterns in nematic liquid crystals , 1986, Nature.

[498]  Libchaber,et al.  Film draining and the Saffman-Taylor problem. , 1986, Physical review. A, General physics.

[499]  P. L. Hall,et al.  Small‐angle scattering of shaley rocks with fractal pore interfaces , 1986 .

[500]  A. Degregoria Monte Carlo simulation of two‐fluid flow through porous media at finite mobility ratio—the behavior of cumulative recovery , 1986 .

[501]  Donald L. Turcotte,et al.  Fractals and fragmentation , 1986 .

[502]  Relative Permeabilitties In Two-Phase Flow Through Porous Media: An Application Of Effective Medium Theory , 1986 .

[503]  Chan,et al.  Fluctuations, viscous fingering, and diffusion-limited aggregation. , 1986, Physical review. A, General physics.

[504]  I. Ershaghi,et al.  Triple-Porosity Systems for Representing Naturally Fractured Reservoirs , 1986 .

[505]  Yannis C. Yortsos,et al.  Linear-stability analysis of immiscible displacement: Part 1-Simple basic flow profiles , 1986 .

[506]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  Dispersion in flow through porous media—I. One-phase flow , 1986 .

[507]  I. Abramson,et al.  Effective transport coefficients in heterogeneous media , 1987 .

[508]  Schwartz,et al.  Magnetic resonance as a probe of permeability in porous media. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[509]  Balasubramanian,et al.  Darcy's law from lattice-gas hydrodynamics. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[510]  R. Nolen-Hoeksema,et al.  Optical detection of crack patterns in the opening-mode fracture of marble , 1987 .

[511]  Feng,et al.  Transport properties of continuum systems near the percolation threshold. , 1987, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[512]  Formation resistivity factors for a compressible solid‐brine mixture , 1987 .

[513]  R. E. Larson,et al.  Microscopic flow near the surface of two-dimensional porous media. Part 2. Transverse flow , 1987, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[514]  É. Clément,et al.  Invasion front structure in a 3-D model porous medium under a hydrostatic pressure gradient , 1987 .

[515]  K. Aki,et al.  Fractal geometry in the San Andreas Fault System , 1987 .

[516]  J. Long,et al.  From field data to fracture network modeling: An example incorporating spatial structure , 1987 .

[517]  Christie,et al.  Detailed Simulation of Unstable Processes in Miscible Flooding , 1987 .

[518]  Ioannis Chatzis,et al.  Microscopic Distribution of Wetting and Nonwetting Phases in Sandstones During Immiscible Displacements , 1987 .

[519]  Radial fingering in viscoelastic media, an experimental study , 1987 .

[520]  Yannis C. Yortsos The relationship between immiscible and miscible displacement in porous media , 1987 .

[521]  A. Katz,et al.  Prediction of rock electrical conductivity from mercury injection measurements , 1987 .

[522]  Determination of pore-size distribution from sorption isotherms: Application of percolation theory , 1987 .

[523]  Viscous fingering simulated by off-lattice aggregation , 1987 .

[524]  Stokes,et al.  Dynamic capillary pressure in porous media: Origin of the viscous-fingering length scale. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[525]  Characteristic pore sizes and transport in porous media. , 1987, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[526]  Vicsek,et al.  Viscous fingering with imposed uniaxial anisotropy. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[527]  Björn Dverstorp,et al.  Conditional simulations of fluid flow in three-dimensional networks of discrete fractures , 1987 .

[528]  Viscoelastic effects in fingering between miscible fluids , 1987 .

[529]  Ronald L. Biegel,et al.  The kinematics of gouge deformation , 1987 .

[530]  Abigail Matteson,et al.  Magnetic resonance, digital image analysis, and permeability of porous media , 1987 .

[531]  Norman R. Morrow,et al.  Capillary pressures and gas relative permeabilities of low-permeability sandstone , 1987 .

[532]  Y. Yortsos Stability of displacement processes in porous media in radial flow geometries , 1987 .

[533]  Shaw Drying as an immiscible displacement process with fluid counterflow. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[534]  Diffusion-limited aggregation on multifractal lattices: A model for fluid-fluid displacement in porous media. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[535]  Experimental study of tracer dispersion in sintered glass porous materials of variable compaction , 1987 .

[536]  Peter R. King,et al.  The fractal nature of viscous fingering in porous media , 1987 .

[537]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Physics of Oil Entrapment in Water-Wet Rock , 1987 .

[538]  Muhammad Sahimi Hydrodynamic dispersion near the percolation threshold: scaling and probability densities , 1987 .

[539]  W. Anderson Wettability literature survey - Part 4: Effects of wettability on capillary pressure , 1987 .

[540]  Peter R. King,et al.  The use of field theoretic methods for the study of flow in a heterogeneous porous medium , 1987 .

[541]  George M. Homsy,et al.  Viscous fingering in porous media , 1987 .

[542]  C. Meneveau,et al.  Simple multifractal cascade model for fully developed turbulence. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[543]  F. Dullien,et al.  Simulation of capillary pressure curves using bond correlated site percolation on a simple cubic network , 1987 .

[544]  Joel Koplik,et al.  Theory of dynamic permeability and tortuosity in fluid-saturated porous media , 1987, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[545]  A. H. Thompson,et al.  The microgeometry and transport properties of sedimentary rock , 1987 .

[546]  George M. Homsy,et al.  Stability of miscible displacements in porous media: Radial source flow , 1987 .

[547]  Interface dynamics in directional solidification: A lattice simulation with biased random walkers. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[548]  Boger,et al.  Dynamics of viscous-fingering fractals in porous media. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[549]  Gedeon Dagan,et al.  Theory of Solute Transport by Groundwater , 1987 .

[550]  E Guyon,et al.  Transport properties in sintered porous media composed of two particle sizes , 1987 .

[551]  Scher,et al.  Probability approach to multiphase and multicomponent fluid flow in porous media. , 1987, Physical review. A, General physics.

[552]  M. Sahimi,et al.  The effect of morphological disorder on viscous fingers and diffusion-limited aggregates in a porous medium , 1987 .

[553]  Thompson,et al.  Mercury injection in porous media: A resistance devil's staircase with percolation geometry. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[554]  A. Aharony,et al.  Anomalous Diffusion, Superlocalization and Hopping Conductivity on Fractal Media , 1987 .

[555]  Norman C. Wardlaw,et al.  Pore-throat size correlation from capillary pressure curves , 1987 .

[556]  S. Torquato,et al.  Bounds on the permeability of a random array of partially penetrable spheres , 1987 .

[557]  Joseph W. Haus,et al.  Diffusion in regular and disordered lattices , 1987 .

[558]  John F. Brady,et al.  Nonlocal dispersion in porous media: Nonmechanical effects , 1987 .

[559]  T. Vicsek,et al.  Viscous Fingering in a Smectic Liquid Crystal , 1987 .

[560]  L. Schwartz,et al.  Analysis of electrical conduction in the grain consolidation model , 1987 .

[561]  Mark O. Robbins,et al.  Contact angle hysteresis on random surfaces , 1987 .

[562]  Christopher H. Scholz,et al.  Fractal analysis applied to characteristic segments of the San Andreas Fault , 1987 .

[563]  W. Anderson Wettability literature survey - Part 5: The effects of wettability on relative permeability , 1987 .

[564]  Elisabeth Charlaix,et al.  Permeability of a random array of fractures of widely varying apertures , 1987 .

[565]  Experimental evidence of disorder effects in hydrodynamic dispersion. , 1987, Physical review letters.

[566]  Simulating flow in porous media. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[567]  Quantitative analysis of an invading-fluid invasion front under gravity. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[568]  Zhou,et al.  Dynamic permeability in porous media. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[569]  Robbins,et al.  Dynamical transition in quasistatic fluid invasion in porous media. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[570]  W. E. Kenyon,et al.  A Three-Part Study of NMR Longitudinal Relaxation Properties of Water-Saturated Sandstones , 1988 .

[571]  A. Katz,et al.  Residual water saturation, electrical conductivity, and rough rock/pore interfaces , 1988 .

[572]  Ronald G. Larson,et al.  Dispersion and Reservoir Heterogeneity , 1988 .


[574]  R. H. Dean,et al.  Simulations of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs , 1988 .

[575]  Kaski,et al.  Diffusion-limited aggregation with surface tension. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[576]  S. Redner,et al.  Conductance and resistance jumps in finite-size random resistor networks , 1988 .

[577]  Surface conduction and length scales in porous media. , 1988, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[578]  H. Stanley,et al.  Multifractal phenomena in physics and chemistry , 1988, Nature.

[579]  John F. Brady,et al.  Anomalous diffusion in heterogeneous porous media , 1988 .

[580]  G. Mason Determination of the pore-size distributions and pore-space interconnectivity of Vycor porous glass from adsorption-desorption hysteresis capillary condensation isotherms , 1988, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[581]  M. Sahimi Diffusion-controlled reactions in disordered porous media—I. Uniform distribution of reactants , 1988 .

[582]  Fractal approach in petrology: Small-angle neutron scattering experiments with volcanic rocks. , 1988, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[583]  Y. Yortsos,et al.  Percolation theory of vapor adsorption—desorption processes in porous materials , 1988 .

[584]  Tracer dispersion in sintered glass beads with a bidisperse size distribution , 1988 .

[585]  J. Feder,et al.  Dynamics of Invasion Percolation , 1988 .

[586]  Cesar Zarcone,et al.  Numerical models and experiments on immiscible displacements in porous media , 1988, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[587]  Resistance jumps in mercury injection in porous media. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[588]  J. Ottino,et al.  Monte Carlo calculations of cluster statistics in continuum models of composite morphology , 1988 .

[589]  C. Krohn Sandstone fractal and Euclidean pore volume distributions , 1988 .

[590]  Dynamic Capillary Pressure in Porous Media , 1988 .

[591]  Daniel H. Rothman,et al.  Immiscible cellular-automaton fluids , 1988 .

[592]  Banavar,et al.  Molecular dynamics of Poiseuille flow and moving contact lines. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[593]  F. J. Fayers,et al.  Detailed validation of an empirical model for viscous fingering with gravity effects , 1988 .

[594]  S. Torquato,et al.  Series expansions for clustering in continuum-percolation models with interactions , 1988 .

[595]  Stokes,et al.  Experimental study of dynamic permeability in porous media. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[596]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Two‐point cluster function for continuum percolation , 1988 .

[597]  John R. Nimmo,et al.  DIVISION S-l-SOIL PHYSICS Hydraulic Conductivity of a Sandy Soil at Low Water Content After Compaction by Various Methods , 1988 .

[598]  Christine E. Krohn,et al.  Fractal measurements of sandstones, shales, and carbonates , 1988 .

[599]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  The effect of morphological disorder on hydrodynamic dispersion in flow through porous media , 1988 .

[600]  Hansen,et al.  Fractal pore space and rock permeability implications. , 1988, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[601]  W. G. Wilson,et al.  Fractal patterns of fluid domains for displacement processes in porous media , 1988 .

[602]  Scott W. Tyler,et al.  An explanation of scale‐dependent dispersivity in heterogeneous aquifers using concepts of fractal geometry , 1988 .

[603]  Stephen Whitaker,et al.  Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media: 1. Local volume averaging and large‐scale averaging , 1988 .

[604]  Wilkinson,et al.  Transport and dispersion in random networks with percolation disorder. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[605]  Yannis C. Yortsos,et al.  Dispersion driven instability in miscible displacement in porous media , 1988 .

[606]  P. Doyen,et al.  Permeability, conductivity, and pore geometry of sandstone , 1988 .

[607]  Michel Quintard,et al.  Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media: The method of large-scale averaging , 1988 .

[608]  S. Whitaker,et al.  Dispersion in heterogeneous porous media: 2. Predictions for stratified and two‐dimensional spatially periodic systems , 1988 .

[609]  Numerical simulation of resistance steps for mercury injection under the influence of gravity. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[610]  Blunt,et al.  Scaling structure of viscous fingering. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[611]  Robbins,et al.  Interface dynamics in porous media: A random-field description. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[612]  An experimental study of waterflooding from a two-dimensional layered sand model , 1988 .

[613]  Y. Yortsos,et al.  Numerical study of the linear stability of immiscible displacement in porous media , 1988 .

[614]  G. Neale,et al.  Monte Carlo simulations of radial displacement of oil from a wetted porous medium: fractals, viscous fingering and invasion percolation , 1988 .

[615]  Zanetti,et al.  Use of the Boltzmann equation to simulate lattice gas automata. , 1988, Physical review letters.

[616]  Y. Yortsos,et al.  Investigations on Viscous Fingering by Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Stability Analysis , 1988 .

[617]  Daniel H. Rothman,et al.  Cellular‐automaton fluids: A model for flow in porous media , 1988 .


[619]  Herbert Levine,et al.  Pattern selection in fingered growth phenomena , 1988 .

[620]  Rosso,et al.  Fractal structure of diffusion and invasion fronts in three-dimensional lattices through the gradient percolation approach. , 1988, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[621]  Thorpe,et al.  Percolation properties of random ellipses. , 1988, Physical review. A, General physics.

[622]  Experimental study of tracer dispersion in flow through two-dimensional networks of etched capillaries , 1988 .

[623]  On the Fractal Character of the Porosity of Natural Sandstone , 1989 .

[624]  Inhomogeneous diffusion-limited aggregation. , 1989, Physical review. A, General physics.

[625]  Schwartz,et al.  Influence of rough surfaces on electrolytic conduction in porous media. , 1989, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[626]  S. Hough On the use of spectral methods for the determination of fractal dimension , 1989 .

[627]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Flow in random porous media: mathematical formulation, variational principles, and rigorous bounds , 1989, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[628]  A. S. Emanuel,et al.  Reservoir performance prediction methods based on fractal geostatistics , 1989 .

[629]  Björn Dverstorp,et al.  Application of the discrete fracture network concept with field data: Possibilities of model calibration and validation , 1989 .

[630]  McNamara,et al.  From automata to fluid flow: Comparisons of simulation and theory. , 1989, Physical review. A, General physics.

[631]  Schwartz,et al.  Biased-diffusion calculations of electrical transport in inhomogeneous continuum systems. , 1989, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[632]  John F. Brady,et al.  The effect of order on dispersion in porous media , 1989, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

[633]  Y. Chiew,et al.  Computer simulation of diffusion‐controlled reactions in dispersions of spherical sinks , 1989 .

[634]  Zhangxin Chen,et al.  Transient flow of slightly compressible fluids through double-porosity, double-permeability systems — A state-of-the-art review , 1989 .

[635]  E. Guyon,et al.  Temporal development of invasion percolation , 1989 .

[636]  Zanetti,et al.  Hydrodynamics of lattice-gas automata. , 1989, Physical review. A, General physics.

[637]  A. S. Emanuel,et al.  Fractal methods improve Mitsue miscible predictions , 1989 .

[638]  R. E. Larson,et al.  A periodic grain consolidation model of porous media , 1989 .

[639]  Larry W. Lake,et al.  Diffusion and solid dissolution/precipitation in permeable media , 1989 .

[640]  Fred J. Hickernell,et al.  Linear stability of immiscible displacement in porous media , 1989 .

[641]  H. Stanley,et al.  Disequilibrium silicate mineral textures: fractal and non-fractal features , 1989, Nature.

[642]  D. L. Turcotte,et al.  Fractal mapping of digitized images: Application to the topography of Arizona and comparisons with synthetic images , 1989 .

[643]  Sahimi,et al.  Diffusion of large molecules in porous media. , 1989, Physical review letters.

[644]  Dougherty,et al.  Self-affine fractal interfaces from immiscible displacement in porous media. , 1989, Physical review letters.

[645]  Schwartz,et al.  Transport properties of disordered continuum systems. , 1989, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[646]  S. Succi,et al.  Three-Dimensional Flows in Complex Geometries with the Lattice Boltzmann Method , 1989 .

[647]  R. Lowell Contaminant transport in a single fracture: Periodic boundary and flow conditions , 1989 .

[648]  First-principles calculations of dynamic permeability in porous media. , 1989, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[649]  L. Scriven,et al.  Capillary dispersion in porous media at low wetting phase saturations , 1989 .

[650]  R. Lenormand Flow through porous media: limits of fractal patterns , 1989, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[651]  M. Parlar,et al.  Nucleation and pore geometry effects in capillary desorption processes in porous media: Topical report , 1989 .

[652]  D. Stauffer,et al.  Vectorized multisite coding for hydrodynamic cellular automata , 1989 .

[653]  Jin Min Kim,et al.  Growth in a restricted solid-on-solid model. , 1989 .

[654]  Ludwig C. Nitsche,et al.  Eulerian kinematics of flow through spatially periodic models of porous media , 1989 .

[655]  Kevin Hestir,et al.  Three-dimensional statistical modelling of a fractured rock mass—an example from the Fanay-Augères mine , 1989 .

[656]  Alkiviades C. Payatakes,et al.  A three dimensional network model for consolidated porous media. Basic studies , 1989 .

[657]  Scaling function for dynamic permeability in porous media. , 1989, Physical review letters.

[658]  Y. Tsang,et al.  On Two-Phase Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure of Rough-Walled Rock Fractures , 1989 .

[659]  A. H. Thompson,et al.  Deuterium magnetic resonance and permeability in porous media , 1989 .

[660]  J. Jiménez,et al.  Boltzmann Approach to Lattice Gas Simulations , 1989 .

[661]  P. King The use of renormalization for calculating effective permeability , 1989 .

[662]  S. Zaleski,et al.  Spinodal decomposition in a lattice-gas automaton , 1989 .

[663]  P. Doussal Permeability versus conductivity for porous media with wide distribution of pore sizes. , 1989 .

[664]  Ka Ming Ng,et al.  Flow in packed tubes with a small tube to particle diameter ratio , 1989 .

[665]  David D. Nolte,et al.  The Fractal Geometry of Flow Paths in Natural Fractures in Rock and the Approach to Percolation , 1989 .

[666]  Derek Elsworth,et al.  Physical and numerical studies of a fracture system model , 1989 .

[667]  P. Gennes,et al.  Dynamics of wetting with nonideal surfaces. The single defect problem , 1989 .

[668]  J. Feder,et al.  Diffusion-limited aggregation near the percolation threshold , 1989 .

[669]  J. Dienes,et al.  Transport properties of rocks from statistics and percolation , 1989 .

[670]  M. Sahimi,et al.  Computer simulations of miscible displacement processes in disordered porous media , 1990 .

[671]  Sauro Succi,et al.  The permeability of a random medium: Comparison of simulation with theory , 1990 .

[672]  Torquato Relationship between permeability and diffusion-controlled trapping constant of porous media. , 1990, Physical review letters.

[673]  Roger T. Bonnecaze,et al.  A method for determining the effective conductivity of dispersions of particles , 1990, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[674]  Daniel H. Rothman,et al.  Macroscopic laws for immiscible two-phase flow in porous media: Results From numerical experiments , 1990 .

[675]  I. F. Macdonald,et al.  Three‐dimensional reconstruction of porous media from serial section data , 1990 .

[676]  S. Torquato,et al.  Determination of the effective conductivity of heterogeneous media by Brownian motion simulation , 1990 .

[677]  Michel Quintard,et al.  Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media III: Laboratory experiments for flow parallel to a stratified system , 1990 .

[678]  J. Bacri,et al.  Anomalous dispersion and finite-size effects in hydrodynamic dispersion , 1990 .

[679]  Sidney Redner,et al.  Superdiffusion in random velocity fields. , 1990, Physical review letters.

[680]  Sheng Effective-medium theory of sedimentary rocks. , 1990, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[681]  L. E. Scriven,et al.  Hydraulic Conductivity of Porous Media at Low Water Content , 1990 .

[682]  H. Roman Diffusion in Three-Dimensional Random Systems at Their Percolation Thresholds , 1990 .

[683]  Vicsek,et al.  Comment on "Self-affine fractal interfaces from immiscible displacement in porous media" , 1990, Physical review letters.

[684]  Growth anomaly and its implications , 1990 .

[685]  Abbas Firoozabadi,et al.  Capillary Pressure in Fractured Porous Media (includes associated papers 21892 and 22212 ) , 1990 .

[686]  Robbins,et al.  Influence of contact angle on quasistatic fluid invasion of porous media. , 1990, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[687]  Kevin Hestir,et al.  Analytical expressions for the permeability of random two-dimensional Poisson fracture networks based on regular lattice percolation and equivalent media theories , 1990 .

[688]  Charles M. Newman,et al.  The trapping transition in dynamic (invasion) and static percolation , 1990 .

[689]  S. Bhattacharya,et al.  Harmonic generation as a probe of dissipation at a moving contact line. , 1990, Physical review letters.

[690]  Blunt,et al.  Macroscopic parameters from simulations of pore scale flow. , 1990, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[691]  Fractal-to-nonfractal crossover for viscous fingers. , 1990, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[692]  Fluid distribution and transport in porous media at low wetting phase saturations , 1990 .

[693]  Yves Guéguen,et al.  Effective medium theory and network theory applied to the transport properties of rock , 1990 .

[694]  Zaleski,et al.  Lattice gas with a liquid-gas transition. , 1990, Physical review letters.

[695]  J. Bacri,et al.  Capillary Hyperdiffusion as a Test of Wettability , 1990 .

[696]  A. Izmailov,et al.  Dynamical percolation model of oil displacement by water in the oil reservoir , 1990 .

[697]  J. Joanny,et al.  Motion of a contact line on a heterogeneous surface , 1990 .

[698]  G. R. Jerauld,et al.  The effect of pore-structure on hysteresis in relative permeability and capillary pressure: Pore-level modeling , 1990 .

[699]  H. Haldorsen,et al.  Stochastic Modeling (includes associated papers 21255 and 21299 ) , 1990 .

[700]  M. Sahimi,et al.  A statistical model for simulating miscible viscous fingers in porous media and other growth phenomena , 1990 .

[701]  Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media II: Numerical experiments for flow perpendicular to a stratified system , 1990 .

[702]  Fluid percolation in bond-site size-correlated three-dimensional networks , 1990 .

[703]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  Statistical and continuum models of fluid-solid reactions in porous media , 1990 .

[704]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Rigorous bounds on the fluid permeability: Effect of polydispersivity in grain size , 1990 .

[705]  Thomas A. Hewett,et al.  Conditional Simulation of Reservoir Heterogeneity With Fractals , 1990 .

[706]  Michel Quintard,et al.  Two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media I: The influence of large spatial and temporal gradients , 1990 .

[707]  C. Tsakiroglou,et al.  A new simulator of mercury porosimetry for the characterization of porous materials , 1990 .

[708]  S. P. Neuman,et al.  A quasi-linear theory of non-Fickian and Fickian subsurface dispersion , 1990 .

[709]  A. H. Thompson,et al.  Hydrodynamic dispersion and pore geometry in consolidated rock , 1990 .

[710]  Tamaz Chelidze,et al.  Evidence of fractal fracture , 1990 .

[711]  C. Harris Application of generalised effective-medium theory to transport in porous media , 1990 .

[712]  Lobb,et al.  Percolative conduction in three dimensions. , 1990, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[713]  Diffusion-limited-aggregation-like displacement structures in a three-dimensional porous medium. , 1990, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[714]  U. Brosa,et al.  Viscous drag by cellular automata , 1990 .

[715]  Scher,et al.  Geometric dispersion and unstable flow in porous media. , 1990, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[716]  Scale invariant behaviour of massive and fragmented rock , 1990 .

[717]  Sahimi,et al.  Hydrodynamics of particulate motion in porous media. , 1991, Physical review letters.

[718]  M. Sahimi,et al.  Surface tension of binary liquid–vapor mixtures: A comparison of mean-field and scaling theories , 1991 .

[719]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Rigorous link between fluid permeability, electrical conductivity, and relaxation times for transport in porous media , 1991 .

[720]  Sahimi Transport, reaction, and fragmentation in evolving porous media. , 1991, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[721]  Jayanth R. Banavar,et al.  Image‐based models of porous media: Application to Vycor glass and carbonate rocks , 1991 .

[722]  Invariants for the critical points in network models of flow in porous media , 1991 .

[723]  Flow, conduction, and a characteristic length in periodic bicontinuous porous media. , 1991, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[724]  J. Klafter,et al.  On the propagator of Sierpinski gaskets , 1991 .

[725]  Feder,et al.  Gravity invasion percolation in two dimensions: Experiment and simulation. , 1991, Physical review letters.

[726]  Muhammad Sahimi,et al.  Computer simulation of particle transport processes in flow through porous media , 1991 .

[727]  D. Stauffer,et al.  Simulation of flow through a two-dimensional random porous medium , 1991 .

[728]  Salin,et al.  Three-dimensional miscible viscous fingering in porous media. , 1991, Physical review letters.

[729]  G. A. Kohring Parallelization Of Short- And Long-Range Cellular Automata On Scalar, Vector, Simd And Mimd Machines , 1991 .

[730]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Effective conductivity of suspensions of hard spheres by Brownian motion simulation , 1991 .

[731]  Johnson,et al.  Magnetization evolution in connected pore systems. , 1991, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[732]  Fractal viscous fingering in inhomogeneous porous models. , 1991, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[733]  Linear displacement of a wetting fluid by an immiscible non-wetting fluid in a porous medium : a predictive algorithm , 1991 .

[734]  John M Kemeny,et al.  An inverse approach to the construction of fracture hydrology models conditioned by geophysical data: An example from the validation exercises at the Stripa Mine , 1991 .

[735]  K. G. Eggert,et al.  Lattice gas automata for flow through porous media , 1991 .

[736]  Production of sneutrinos in e+e- annihilation with polarized beams. , 1991, Physical review. D, Particles and fields.

[737]  Vicsek,et al.  Anomalous noise distribution of the interface in two-phase fluid flow. , 1991, Physical review letters.

[738]  Salvatore Torquato,et al.  Random Heterogeneous Media: Microstructure and Improved Bounds on Effective Properties , 1991 .

[739]  F. Family,et al.  Scaling in open dissipative systems. , 1991, Physical review letters.


[741]  G. Constantinides,et al.  A theoretical model of collision and coalescence of ganglia in porous media , 1991 .

[742]  Martin J. Blunt,et al.  Relative permeabilities from two- and three-dimensional pore-scale network modelling , 1991 .

[743]  Fernández,et al.  Crossover length from invasion percolation to diffusion-limited aggregation in porous media. , 1991, Physical review letters.

[744]  A lattice-gas model for three immiscible fluids , 1991 .

[745]  Tu,et al.  Interface fluctuations in random media. , 1991, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[746]  G. Weiss,et al.  Probability distribution of the interface width in surface roughening : analogy with a Lévy flight , 1991 .

[747]  Shiyi Chen,et al.  Lattice gas automata for simple and complex fluids , 1991 .

[748]  1/f noise for driven interfaces. , 1991, Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics.

[749]  Calculation of the permeability of porous media using hydrodynamic cellular automata , 1991 .

[750]  The statistical properties of immiscible fluid displacement in bond/site correlated network models of porous media , 1991 .

[751]  Hilfer,et al.  Geometric and dielectric characterization of porous media. , 1991, Physical review. B, Condensed matter.

[752]  Paul Meakin,et al.  Invasion percolation on substrates with correlated disorder , 1991 .

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