Multiparty-controlled teleportation of an arbitrary m-qudit state with a pure entangled quantum channel

We present a general scheme for multiparty-controlled teleportation of an arbitrary m-qudit (d-dimensional quantum system) state by using non-maximally entangled states as the quantum channel. The sender performs m generalized Bell-state measurements on her 2m particles, the controllers take some single-particle measurements with the measuring basis Xd and the receiver only needs to introduce one auxiliary two-level particle to extract quantum information probabilistically with the fidelity unit if he cooperates with all the controllers. All the parties can use some decoy photons to set up their quantum channel securely, which will forbid a dishonest party to eavesdrop freely. This scheme is optimal as the probability that the receiver obtains the originally unknown m-qudit state equals the entanglement of the quantum channel.

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