Interrogation Based on Semantic Annotations: Context-Based Construction of Formal Queries from Keywords

Traditionalinformationsearchapproachesdonotexplicitlycapturethemeaningofakeywordquery, butprovideagoodwayfortheusertoexpresshisorherinformationneedsbasedonthekeywords. Inprinciple,semanticsearchaimstoproducebetterresultsthantraditionalkeywordsearch,butits progressionhasretardedbecauseoftothecomplexityofthequerylanguages.Inthisarticle,the authorspresentanapproachtoadaptkeywordqueriestoqueryingthesemanticwebbasedonsemantic annotations: theapproachautomaticallyconstruct structured formalqueries fromkeywords.The authorsproposeanewprocesswheretheyintroduceanovelcontext-basedqueryautocompletion feature tohelp theusers toconstruct theirkeywordsquerybysuggestingqueriesgivenprefixes. Theyalsoaddresstheproblemofcontext-basedgeneratingformalqueriesbyexploitinguser’squery history,wherepreviousqueriescanbeusedascontextualinformationforgeneratinganewquery. Withthefirsttests,theauthors’approachachievedencouragingresults. KeyWoRdS Auto-Completion, Keyword Search, Query Context, RDF Graphs, Semantic Annotation, Semantic Search

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