Experiments in musical intelligence (EMI): Non‐linear linguistic‐based composition

Abstract EMI was founded in 1983 as a project for understanding musical style. The motive for establishing it was purely selfish: the author's desire to have help in finishing a commission. He focused on how to imitate musical styles, since nothing useful could be accomplished if the computer did not understand how to produce viable music in his style. One of the components of emulating style discovered during the years of research since EMI's inception includes non‐linear composition, the focal point of this article. Results of research have been presented at the International Computer Music Conference (1987, Champaign, IL) and its resultant proceedings, at the International Symposium: Charles Ives and the American Music Tradition up to the Present (Cologne, Germany, February, 1988), the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (St. Paul, August, 1988), AIM, First International Workshop on Al and Music (Bonn, Germany, September, 1988), as well as articles in the Computer Music Journal (Winter, 198...