Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin

Plant trait information is essential for understanding plant evolution, vegetation dynamics, and vegetation responses to disturbance and management. Furthermore, in Mediterranean ecosystems, changes in fire regime may be more relevant than direct changes in climatic conditions, making the knowledge of fire-related traits especially important. Thus the purpose of this data set was to compile the most updated and comprehensive information on fire-related traits for vascular plant species of the Mediterranean Basin, that is, traits related to plant persistence and regeneration after fire. Data were collected from an extensive literature review and from field and experimental observations. The data source is documented for each value. Since life history traits may vary spatially or with environmental conditions, we did not aggregate them by species; i.e., traits and species are repeated in different records if they were observed by different researchers and/or in different locations. Life history traits inclu...

[1]  A. Rodrigo,et al.  Post-fire resprouting ability of 15 non-dominant shrub and tree species in Mediterranean areas of NE Spain , 2007, Annals of Forest Science.

[2]  J. Moreno,et al.  Effect of cold exposure on seed germination of 58 plant species comprising several functional groups from a mid-mountain Mediterranean area , 2008 .

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[5]  J. Pausas,et al.  Burning seeds: germinative response to heat treatments in relation to resprouting ability , 2008 .

[6]  I. Hensen,et al.  Seed longevity of eight species common during early postfire regeneration in south-eastern Spain: A 3-year burial experiment , 2008 .

[7]  V. Vallejo,et al.  Vegetation recovery after fuel management in Mediterranean shrublands , 2008 .

[8]  F. Moreira,et al.  Cork extraction as a key factor determining post-fire cork oak survival in a mountain region of southern Portugal , 2007 .

[9]  J. Pausas,et al.  Fire drives phylogenetic clustering in Mediterranean Basin woody plant communities , 2007 .

[10]  G. Montserrat-Martí,et al.  Relationship between shoot-rooting and root-sprouting abilities and the carbohydrate and nitrogen reserves of Mediterranean dwarf shrubs. , 2007, Annals of botany.

[11]  F. Lloret,et al.  Spatial and temporal patterns of plant functional types under simulated fire regimes , 2007 .

[12]  J. Moreno,et al.  Effects of a long-term fire retardant chemical (Fire-Trol 934) on seed viability and germination of plants growing in a burned Mediterranean area , 2007 .

[13]  J. Moreno,et al.  Heat-shock and seed germination of a group of Mediterranean plant species growing in a burned area: An approach based on plant functional types , 2007 .

[14]  L. Kurt,et al.  Floristical and Ecological Studies on Burned Blackpine (Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb) Holmboe) Forest Area at Central Anatolia , 2007 .

[15]  Eric Rigolot,et al.  The fire ecology and management of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) , 2007 .

[16]  L. Calvo,et al.  Effect of high temperatures on seed germination and seedling survival in three pine species (Pinus pinaster, P. sylvestris and P. nigra) , 2007 .

[17]  A. Rodrigo,et al.  Fire reduces Pinus pinea distribution in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula , 2007 .

[18]  M. Arianoutsou,et al.  Landscape changes in Mediterranean ecosystems of Greece : implications for fire and biodiversity issues , 2007 .

[19]  A. Rodrigo,et al.  Post-fire regeneration of Mediterranean plant communities at a regional scale is dependent on vegetation type and dryness , 2007 .

[20]  J. Pausas,et al.  Leaf traits and resprouting ability in the Mediterranean basin , 2006 .

[21]  F. Moreira,et al.  Effects of fire on tree survival and regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem , 2006 .

[22]  O. Reyes,et al.  Can smoke affect the germination of Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra, P. uncinata and P. pinaster? , 2006 .

[23]  Mercedes Rivas,et al.  Do high temperatures and smoke modify the germination response of Gramineae species , 2006 .

[24]  A. Rodríguez,et al.  Interannual variability in fire-induced germination responses of the characteristic Ericaceae of the NW Iberian Peninsula , 2006 .

[25]  G. Montserrat-Martí,et al.  Effect of root system morphology on root-sprouting and shoot-rooting abilities in 123 plant species from eroded lands in North-east Spain. , 2006, Annals of botany.

[26]  Juli G. Pausas,et al.  Simulating Mediterranean landscape pattern and vegetation dynamics under different fire regimes , 2006, Plant Ecology.

[27]  I. Hensen,et al.  “Fire seeders” during early post-fire succession and their quantitative importance in south-eastern Spain , 2006 .

[28]  E. Bilgili,et al.  Research note Effect of heat on seed germination of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus nigra ssp. pallasiana , 2006 .

[29]  F. Catry,et al.  Forest fires in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in Portugal , 2006 .

[30]  G. Tsiourlis,et al.  Effect of fire season, aspect and pre-fire plant size on the growth of Arbutus unedo L. (strawberry tree) resprouts , 2006 .

[31]  Mercedes Rivas,et al.  Influence of heat and smoke treatments on the germination of six leguminous shrubby species , 2006 .

[32]  L. Calvo,et al.  Influence of high temperatures on seed germination of a special Pinus pinaster stand adapted to frequent fires , 2006, Plant Ecology.

[33]  O. Reyes,et al.  Seed germination of Quercus robur, q. pyrenaica and q. ilex and the effects of smoke, heat, ash and charcoal , 2006 .

[34]  K. Dixon,et al.  Post-fire germination: The effect of smoke on seeds of selected species from the central Mediterranean basin , 2006 .

[35]  Juli G. Pausas,et al.  Inferring differential evolutionary processes of plant persistence traits in Northern Hemisphere Mediterranean fire‐prone ecosystems , 2006 .

[36]  Z. Naveh,et al.  The evolutionary significance of fire in the mediterranean region , 2006, Vegetatio.

[37]  M. Pérez-Fernández,et al.  Seed germination in response to chemicals: effect of nitrogen and pH in the media. , 2006, Journal of environmental biology.

[38]  V. Vallejo,et al.  Ecological mechanisms involved in dormancy breakage in Ulex parviflorus seeds , 2006, Plant Ecology.

[39]  S. Paula,et al.  Resistance of three co-occurring resprouter Erica species to highly frequent disturbance , 2006, Plant Ecology.

[40]  V. Vallejo,et al.  Short-term Nitrogen Fixation by Legume Seedlings and Resprouts After Fire in Mediterranean Old-fields , 2005 .

[41]  L. Calvo,et al.  Influence of tree age on seed germination response to environmental factors and inhibitory substances in Pinus pinaster , 2005 .

[42]  I. Hensen,et al.  Plant regeneration mechanisms during early post‐fire succession in south‐eastern Spain , 2005 .

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[46]  A. Rodríguez,et al.  Efecto del fuego (temperatura y humo) sobre la germinación de ericáceas características de brezales del NW de la península ibérica , 2005 .

[47]  J. A. Vega,et al.  Variables influyentes en la respuesta regenerativa vegetativa a corto plazo de Quercus pyrenaica Willd. tras incendios en Galicia , 2005 .

[48]  F. Bravo,et al.  Efecto del fuego en la germinación de Cistus laurifolius , 2005 .

[49]  S. Galatsidas,et al.  Effects of wildfire season on the resprouting of kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.) , 2005 .

[50]  J. Madrigal,et al.  Regeneración post-incendio de "Pinus pinaster" Ait. en la Sierra de Guadarrama (Sistema Central, España): modelos descriptivos de los factores influyentes en la densidad inicial y la supervivencia , 2005 .

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[58]  O. Reyes,et al.  Effects of forest fire ash on germination and early growth of four pinus species , 2004, Plant Ecology.

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[64]  J. Pausas,et al.  Changes in Fire and Climate in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean Basin) , 2004 .


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[68]  M. Arianoutsou,et al.  Long-term post-fire vegetation dynamics in Pinus halepensis forests of Central Greece: A functional group approach , 2004, Plant Ecology.

[69]  C. Thanos,et al.  Postfire regeneration of Aleppo pine – the temporal pattern of seedling recruitment , 2004, Plant Ecology.

[70]  J. Moreno,et al.  Time of germination and establishment success after fire of three obligate seeders in a Mediterranean shrubland of central Spain , 2004 .

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[77]  G. Ne’eman,et al.  Spatial variation of seedling distribution in an east Mediterranean pine woodland at the beginning of post-fire succession , 2000, Plant Ecology.

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[124]  A. Rodrigo,et al.  Fire and species range in Mediterranean landscapes: an experimental comparison of seed and seedling performance among Centaurea taxa , 2002 .

[125]  J. Retana,et al.  Regeneration patterns of three Mediterranean pines and forest changes after a large wildfire in northeastern Spain , 2002 .

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[127]  E. L. Calabuig,et al.  Relationship between thermal shock and germination in five Mediterranean shrubs , 2002 .

[128]  G. Tsiourlis,et al.  Preliminary results of the post-fire resprouting growth of typical Mediterranean maquis species (Sithonia Peninsula, N. Greece). , 2002 .

[129]  F. Pérez-García,et al.  Effect of dry-heat, soaking in distilled water and gibberellic acid on the germination of Cistus clusii, C. monspeliensis and C. salvifolius seeds , 2002 .

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[131]  G. Ne’eman,et al.  Pregermination heat shock and seedling growth of fire-following Fabaceae from four Mediterranean-climate regions , 2001 .

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[145]  M. Vilà,et al.  Seed dynamics of the mast seeding tussock grass Ampelodesmos mauritanica in Mediterranean shrublands , 2000 .

[146]  R. Tárrega,et al.  Seed banks of Erica australis and Calluna vulgaris in a heathland subjected to experimental fire , 2000 .

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[150]  V. Vallejo,et al.  Early post-fire regeneration dynamics of Brachypodium retusum Pers. (Beauv.) in old fields of the Valencia region (eastern Spain) , 2000 .

[151]  B. Fernández-Santos,et al.  Effects of disturbance caused by traditional Spanish rural land use on the regeneration of Cytisus multiflorus , 1999 .


[153]  Juli G. Pausas,et al.  Response of plant functional types to changes in the fire regime in Mediterranean ecosystems: A simulation approach , 1999 .

[154]  M. Roderick,et al.  Challenging Theophrastus: A common core list of plant traits for functional ecology , 1999 .

[155]  Juli G. Pausas,et al.  Post-fire regeneration patterns in the eastern Iberian Peninsula , 1999 .

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[164]  A. Escudero,et al.  Probability of germination after heat treatment of native Spanish pines , 1999, ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE.

[165]  P. García‐Fayos,et al.  Soil seed bank, factors controlling germination and establishment of a Mediterranean shrub : Pistacia lentiscus L. , 1998 .

[166]  F. Lloret Fire, canopy cover and seedling dynamics in Mediterranean shrubland of northeastern Spain , 1998 .

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