Backtrack-Based and Window-Oriented Optimistic Failure Recovery in Distributed Stream Processing

Support transaction property and fault-tolerance is the key to applying stream processing to industry-scale applications; however the corresponding latency overhead must be minimized for accommodating real-time analytics. This issue has been studied in various contexts. In this work we develop the backtrack failure recovery mechanism to allow a task to roll forward without waiting for acknowledgement from its downstream target tasks in the failure-free case, but to request its upstream source tasks to resend the missing tuples only during failure recovery which is the rare case thus has limited impact on the overall performance. For further reduced latency we extend our solution in another dimension by applying the notion of optimistic checkpointing to stream processing, and propose the Continued stream processing with Window - based Checkpoint and Recovery (CWCR) approach, allowing a task to emit results tuple by tuple continuously but checkpoint in batch, and acknowledge, only once per window (e.g. time window). We also tackle the hard problems found in implementing a transactional layer on-top of an existing stream processing platform. We have implemented the proposed mechanisms on Fontainebleau, the distributed stream analytics infrastructure we built on top of the open-sourced Storm platform. Our experiment results reveal the novelty of the proposed technologies and the feasibility to support fault-tolerance with minimal latency overhead for real-time stream processing.

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