Human Adaptive Device Development based on TD method for Smart Home

This paper presents that TD method is applied to the human adaptive devices for smart home with context awareness (or recognition) technique. For smart home, the very important problem is how the appliances (or devices) can adapt to user. Since there are many humans to manage home appliances (or devices), managing the appliances automatically is difficult. Moreover, making the users be satisfied by the automatically managed devices is much more difficult. In order to do so, we can use several methods, fuzzy controller, neural network, reinforcement learning, etc. Though the some methods could be used, in this case (in dynamic environment), reinforcement learning is appropriate. Among some reinforcement learning methods, we select the Temporal Difference learning method as a core algorithm for adapting the devices to user. Since this paper assumes the environment is a smart home, we simply explained about the context awareness. Also, we treated with the TD method briefly and implement an example by VC++. Thereafter, we dealt with how the devices can be applied to this problem.