Secure Allocation of Reguiating Reserve in the Presence of Bus-Demand Uncertainty

A method is presented for allocating regulating responsibility among designated generators to ensure a secure dispatch to the broadest variations in bus demands. Such allocation is specified through the assignment of participation factors that govern the fraction of the net change in total system demand that each generator will supply. Optimal participation factors, as defined in this paper, are those which guide generation change, from specified base points, to supply the widest possible variations in bus demands, about specified best estimates, within the thermal limits of the transmission network intact and subsequent to any postulated utage contingency. The problem is formulated in terms of the dc model and solved using linear programming. The breadth of securely-supplied demand variations may be compared with anticipated possible variations to assess the adequacy of reserve margins established by the specified base points. If reserve margins are inadequate, the simplex variables, offered as a by-product of solution, guide the necessary adjustment of the base points. The computational algorithm presented has the potential for application to on-line dispatch. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated through two numerical examples.