Patterns, Tools and Models for Interaction Design

In recent years the re-use of already existing solutions and ideas has become more and more crucial. Re-inventing the wheel over and over again is not feasible. Especially model based development approaches suffer from the lack of libraries populated with existing solutions and ideas which must just be tweaked in order to applicable to different context of use. Patterns have the potential to overcome this major shortcoming. In this paper we will try to stimulate and foster to idea of transferring the idea of patterns to the model-based development community. We will introduce patters as medium to capture ideas and solutions within the domain of model based design. Moreover the lack of tool support has led to situation that model – based approaches have not been fully acknowledge by the developers of interactive applications. In recent years a set of tools has been developed in our group, which the developer with the establishment of the various models. Therefore In the following we will introduce our model – based philosophy and the possible application and impact of patterns for each of our models. Moreover we will briefly introduce some of our tools and ideas which might be helpful with the creation of the various models.