Global ecological consequences of the 1982-83 El Nino-Southern Oscillation

(Selection) Physical Aspects of the El Ni#o Event of 1982-1983. The global view. Some historical perspective. Development of the Event of 1982-1983. Nutrients and Productivity During the 1982/83 El Ni#o. Enso cycle. The basinwide setting. Western Pacific. Eastern Pacific normal conditions. Eastern Pacific anomalous conditions. Productivity effects of El Ni#o. Coral Mortality and Disturbances to Coral Reefs in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Coral bleaching. mortality and environmental correlates. Community effects. Interrupted coral growth and reef framework accumulation: indicators of severe event occurrences. Discussion and conclusions. Summary. The Effects of the El Ni#o/Southern Oscillation on the Dispersal of Corals and Other Marine Organisms. Oceanic currents in the tropical and subtropical Pacific. Oceanic currents during the 1982-83 El Ni#o. Transport of marine organisms in oceanic currents. Coral Mortality Outside of the Eastern Pacific During 1982-1983: Relationship to El Ni#o. ENSO and coral mortality. Detailed case study - great barrier reef. Detailed case study - San Blas islands, Panama. El Ni#o and the History of Eastern Pacific Reef Building. Background. The 1982-1983 El Ni#o event and eastern Pacific reefs. Evidence for past El Ni#o events. Ocean conditions and past El Ni#o events. Urvina bay, Galapagos islands. Discussion. Reef-Building Corals and Identification of ENSO Warming Episodes. Study sites. Methods. Stable Isotope records in corals. Trace Element Indicators of Climate Variability in Reef-Building Corals. Minor and trace element geochemistry of corals. Sample sites. Methods. Oceanic markers of El Ni#o. Historical Aspects of El Ni#o/Southern Oscillation - Information from Tree Rings. Tree rings as a source of information on past climate. Tree rings and the southern oscillation: An example application. Future directions. Summary. Effects of El Ni#o 1982-83 on Benthos, Fish and Fisheries off the South American Pacific Coast. Principal abiotic changes induced by EN 1982-83. The pelagic subsystem. The benthic subsystem. Effects of the 1982-83 El Ni#o-Southern Oscillation Event on Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus Cristatus Bell, 1825) Populations on Galapagos. Study area. Methods. Results. Discussion. The Gulf of Panama and El Ni#o Events: The Fate of Two Refugee Boobies from the 1982-83 Event. Natural history of the boobies. The occurrence. El Ni#o events and the gulf of Panama. Seabirds and the 1982-1984 El Ni#o/Southern Oscillation. Results. Discussion of effects and evolutionary consequences of ENSO. Conclusions and future work. El Ni#o's Effect on South American Pinniped Species. Galapagos fur seal. South American fur seal. How the seal lions in Galapagos and Punta San Juan survived the El Ni#o event. Summary and Conclusions. Bottoms Beneath Troubled Waters: Benthic Impacts of the 1982-1984 El Ni#o in the Temperate Zone. Biological effects of the 1982-84 El BNi#o on temperate pelagic ecosystems. ENSO effects of kelp forests.