Eye changes in ichthyosis.

To the Editor:— We read the report by Sever et al ( 206 :2283, 1968), "Eye Changes in Ichthyosis," with great interest and were pleased to see that the authors results agreed, in the main, with ours ( Brit J Ophthal 52 :217, 1968). The characteristic deep-corneal changes of sex-linked (ie, X-linked) ichthyosis were found in 13 of our 26 patients, being uncommon under the age of 10 years and invariably present over the age of 25 years. We found similar changes in three out of 22 patients with the autosomal-dominant ichthyosis vulgaris. We were particularly interested in their observations of the mild corneal changes in the female carrier state of sex-linked ichthyosis. We examined a few females who must have been carriers and, not finding any corneal changes, did not pursue the matter further. We are reviewing our carrier females in order to confirm this most interesting finding.