We present transparent Direct3D9 application-level parallel rendering system named D3DPR. It allows Direct3D9 application to run on graphics cluster with no modification. Graphics cluster can be classified as two types of logical node, i.e. resource distributing node (D-Node) and resource rendering node (R-Node) by D3DPR. Among them, D-Node is responsible for converting Direct3D9 application to four kinds of rendering resource including command stream, vertex stream, index stream and texture stream. R-Node is responsible for reconstructing Direct3D9 interface rendering command based on the description information and resource data of received rendering resource. Each R-Node reserves entire rendering resource and distributes rendering task by computing the projective screen region of multi-stream based scene data bounding box. Experimental results have demonstrated that D3DPR parallel rendering system can not only achieve high-resolution tiled display but also promote rendering performance for Direct3D9 application running on graphics cluster.
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