Statistics of atmospheric parameters for multiconjugated adaptive optics for the Observatorio del Roque del los Muchachos

We present the statistical results of the optical-turbulence profiles at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos over a period of six consecutive months. The data were obtained using the generalized SCIDAR technique at the 1m Jacobous Kaptein Telescope. In general, most of the turbulence is concentrated close to the observatory level (2400 m above sea level) with no more than two turbulent layers at higher altitudes. The temporal evolution along six consecutive months indicates that the turbulence is concentrated at lower altitude layers during winter. Large isoplanatic angles are also reached in winter compared to the values in spring. For the turbulence profiles measured in February, March and April we have analized the statistical position of demorfable mirrors in an ideal Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics system (with two or three deformable mirrors) and the improvements in the isoplanatic angles.