In the context of the SPARD project, WP5 has the objectives to: a) prove that the methodology is feasible at different scales of application; b) that the modelling results are reliable for further specification by using and processing data of higher or different quality (more disaggregated, higher spatial resolution, specific properties).This deliverable D5.1 contains the results of the task 5.1 which aims at the qualitative identification of the causal relationship at case study area (CSA) level and at screening the data available in view of task 5.2.In order to meet such objective, this document includes three main components: a) Description of RDP implementation in each case study area, b) identification of determinants of participation and expected spillover mechanisms; c) first docuementation of available information at local level.The CSAs are differentiated with respect the programming level, the set and the design of measures and the priority mechanisms implemented. The results of the expert intervie have shown a perceived relevant spatial effect of the policy and context variables on the participation and uptake. However, the same experts have judged low the spillover effects of RDP on the neighbouring regions on a selection of parameters. The high heterogeneity of the socio-economics, environmental and agricultural characteristics of the areas, and the very discrepancy in the available data will likely not allow to run a common spatial econometrics model in all CSA. The proposal for the following WP5 tasks is that, each CSA leader will develop an econometric model in their own CSA, within a common framework provided by WP5 leaders. Such consideration follows the need to undertaken the analysis using the local data available and to include in each analysis a set of locally-specific explanatory variables