A Program to Stabilize Nuclear Materials as Managed by the Plutonium Focus Area

This paper describes the program to stabilize nuclear materials, consistent with the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management (EM) plan, Accelerating Cleanup: Paths to Closure. The program is managed by the Plutonium Stabilization and Disposition Focus Area, which defines and manages technology development programs to stabilize nuclear materials and assure their subsequent safe storage and final disposition. The Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office, with support from Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company and Argonne National Laboratory manages the Plutonium Stabilization and Disposition Focus Area (PFA). The scope of PFA activities includes non-weapons plutonium materials, special isotopes, and other fissile materials. The PFA provides solutions to site-specific and complex wide technology issues associated with plutonium remediation, stabilization, and preparation for disposition. Currently, PFA technology development projects are derived from the Plutonium Stabilization and Disposition Focus Area Research and Development Plan, DOE/ID-10561 Revision 3, September 1998. This Research and Development plan defines the current gaps in technology that may pose significant worker and public safety risk and/or programmatic risk to timely disposition of nuclear materials.