Operational Methods in Applied Mathematics

AWAY to solve linear differential equations by operational methods which avoid the introduction of arbitrary constants by taking direct account of the initial conditions was invented by Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925) for the purpose of discussing electromagnetic waves. In his hands the method led to correct results, but the mathematical foundation was so obscure as to cause it to be regarded with misgiving. Brornwich (1875-1930) was the first to explain Heaviside's method, and, by expressing the solution in the form of a contour integral, to justify its application to ordinary linear equations. Since then many systems, modifications and expositions of varying degrees of merit have appeared.Operational Methods in Applied MathematicsBy Prof. H. S. Carslaw J. C. Jaeger. Pp. xvi + 264. (Oxford: Clarendon Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1941.) 17s. 6d. net.