The placement of mine tailings at depth in the marine environment is reviewed. This review considers first the engineering aspects of a pipeline system which transports tailings slurry from a process plant to the coast and then to a location at a depth of typically 200 m on the continental slope. Next, the fluid dynamic behaviour of the tailings, once discharged from the end of the pipe, are discussed, and a numerical model is presented which simulates the fate of both the dissolved and solids component of the tailings slurry in the marine environment. This latter model can be used to estimate the environmental impact of a proposed deep sea tailings placement system.
On etudie dans ce travail I'immersion en eau profonde de residus miniers en milieu marin Dans un premier temps, on tient compte des aspects ingenierie d'une installation de pipelines transportant des boues de queue depuis une usine de precedes vers la cote, puis a un endroit donne a une profondeur typique de 200 m sur le plateau continental. On examine ensuite le comportement dynamique des fluides des produits de queue une fois decharges a la sortie du pipeline, et on presente un modele numerique qui simule ce que deviennent les composants dissous et solides des boues de queue en milieu marin. Ce modele peut servir a estimer l'impact environnemental d'un Systeme d'immersion en profondeur de produits de queue en milieu marin.
J. Turner,et al.
Turbulent entrainment in stratified flows
Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Ernst J. O. Schrama,et al.
A preliminary tidal analysis of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimetry
J. Imberger,et al.
Dynamics of Turbidity Current with Reversing Buoyancy
T. Murty,et al.
Mathematical Modelling of the Fraser River Plume
J. Smagorinsky,et al.
Nian-Sheng Cheng,et al.
Effect of Concentration on Settling Velocity of Sediment Particles
Z. Sirkes,et al.
Modeling of the Global and Pacific Oceans: On the Path to Eddy-Resolving Ocean Prediction
G. W. Poling,et al.
Submarine tailings disposal (STD) for mines: an introduction