인트라넷을 이용한 건축설계사무소의 경험지식 활용 방안 연구

Most intranet systems in domestic major architectural design offices are mainly used as administrative tools. It is very important in architectural design to share knowledge. Especially, sharing the knowledge from experiences is critical in this area. Hence, it is vital to establish a Lessons-Learned System that enables sharing of the experience-based knowledge. However, it is estimated that building such system will cost enormous number of try-and-errors as many decisions are to be made prior to implementation. This study begins with analysis on the intranet systems that are currently used in domestic major architectural design offices, followed by proposing the feasibilities and conceptual ideas on the system implementation by surveys and interviews on the actual users of the system. This study is to be used as a fundamental source material for the knowledge management system that is to be developed in the future.