Advances in meshfree techniques

Preface A Global-Local Approach for the Construction of Enrichment Functions for the Generalized HIM and Its Application to Three-Dimensional Cracks, by C. Armando Duarte, Dae-Jin Kim and Ivo Babusca Study of Some Optimal XFEM Type Methods, by Elie Chahine, Patrick Laborde, Julien Pommier Yves Renard and Michel Salaun, by Generalized Finite Element Method in Mixed Variational Formulation: A Study of Convergence and Solvability, by W. Gois and S.P.B. Proenca Stability in Lagrangian and Semi-Lagrangian Reproducing Kernel Discretizations Using Nodal Integration in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, by Jiun-Shyan Chen and Youcai Wu Simulation of Forming Processes by the cr-Shapes-Based Natural Element Method, by I. Alfaro, E. Cueto, F Chinesta and M. Doblare New Advances in Meshless Methods: Coupling Natural Element and Moving Least Squares Techniques, by F Chinesta, J. Yvonnet, P. Villon, P Breitkopf P Joyot, I. Alfaro and E. Cueto Eliminating Shear-Locking in Meshless Methods: A Critical Overview and a New Framework for Structural Theories, by Carlos Tiago and Vitor MA. Leitao FEMJSPH Coupling Techniques for High Velocity Impact Simulations, by Levent Aktay and Alastair F Johnson On the Construction of Mass Conservative and Meshless Adaptive Particle Advection Methods, by Armin Iske Spectral-Like Accuracy in Space of a Meshless Vortex Method, by LA. Barba A Hybrid Meshless/Spectral-Element Method for the Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere, by Christopher D. Blakely Iterated Approximate Moving Least Squares Approximation,by Gregory E. Fasshauer and Jack G. Zhang A Kansa Type Method Using Fundamental Solutions Applied to Elliptic PDEs, by Carlos J.S. Alves and Svilen S. Valtchev From Global to Local Radial Basis Function Collocation Method for Transport Phenomena, by Bozidar Sarler Computation of Static Deformations and Natural Frequencies of Shear Deformable Plates by an RBF-Pseudospectral Method with an Optimal Shape Parameter, by A.J.M. Ferreira andG.E. Fasshauer Author Index Subject Index.