An Example of Interactive Hardware Transformation

This article presents an example of correct circuit design through interactive transformation. Interactive transformation di ers from traditional hardware design transformation frameworks in that it focuses on the issue of nding suitable hardware architecture for the speci ed system and the issue of architecture correctness. The transformation framework divides every transformation in designs into two steps. The rst step is to nd a proper architecture implementation. Although the framework does not guarantee existence of such an implementation, nor its discovery, it does provide a characterization of architectural implementation so that the question \is this a correct implementation?" can be answered by equational rewriting. The framework allows a correct architecture implementation to be automatically incorporated with control descriptions to obtain a new system description. The signi cance of this transformation framework lies in the fact that it requires simpler mechanism of veri cation (equational rewriting versus rst order logic, functional calculus, or higher logic) to guarantee correctness of transformations while gives reasonable expressive power to describe a wide range of hardware systems.