Edge Detectors in Image Processing

Image edge detection is an integral component of image processing to enhance the clarity of edges and the type of edges. My previous paper 15 began to discuss the issues regarding edge techniques. This paper provides a deeper analysis regarding image edge detection using matrices, partial derivatives, convolutions and the software’s, MATLAB 7.9.0 and the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox 6.4. Edge detection has applications in all areas of research such as medicine. A patient can be diagnosed with an aneurysm, by studying an angiogram. An angiogram is the visual view of the blood vessels and illustrated in Figure 1(VascularWeb image). The previous paper 15 studied alphabets using vertical, horizontal and Sobel transforms. This paper will study images to include the alphabet O and two images, Cameraman and Rice included in the Image Processing Toolbox 6.4. We then compare the techniques implemented in the previous paper 15 and the images, alphabet O, Cameraman and Rice using vertical, horizontal, Sobel, and Canny transforms implementing the software’s MATLAB 7.9.0 and the Image Processing Toolbox 6.4.