Occupational Research Data Bank: A Key to MPTS (Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Safety) Analysis Support
Abstract : Manpower authorization shortages, increasing skill requirements, and Congressional/DoD concerns for weapon system (WS) life-cycle support costs mandate that manpower, personnel, training. amd safety (MPTS) issues become integral parts of new WS planning, conceptual development, and design trade-off decisions. The Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL) is currently developing technologies, tools and data bases to help address this need. One of the most important of the data bases in MPTS support is the Occupational Research Data Bank (ORDB). The ORDB provides storage and on-line retrieval of a variety of occupational data, thus streamlining the laborious and time-consuming process of finding background information through requests to computer data bases or searching regulations, technical reports, or previous research/ occupational analysis studies. Information within the ORDB is critical to a number of MPTS efforts within AFHRL, as well as work underway in the Air Force Systems Command MPTS Directorate. Keywords: Air Force personnel; Data bases; Air Force training; Personnel selection; Weapons systems; Manpower Personnel Training and Safety (MPTS); Occupational analysis; Occupational Research Data Bank (ORDB); Weapon system acquisition.