A Case of Sprinkler Non-Working by Programming Error

According to the Fire Services Act revised in 2005, it has been required to set up sprinkler systems to all floors to the newly builded apartments having above 11 floors. But, according to the Fire Services Act before 2005, it had been required to set up sprinkler systems from 16 floors to the top floors to the apartments having above 16 floors. This case is the accident that a victim was dead by the fire which is inferred as an accidental fire by a cigarette butt in a 17th floor apartment unit in an apartment having 17th floors and that the bereaved family called in question why the sprinklers non worked at the fire. Through the field investigation, we checked that the sprinklers worked well when the fire detectors at the 16th floor of the apartment were operated and that the sprinklers non worked when the fire detectors at the 17th floor of the apartment were operated. We made clear that the cause of the sprinkler non-working at the 17th floor is the programming error of the sprinkler controller.