Peer relationships and social competence during early and middle childhood.

This review demarcates major periods of empirical activity and accomplishment (i.e. "generations") in research on children's peer relations and social competence during recent decades and identifies the investigative agendas that were dominant or ascendant during these periods. A sampling of studies that were conducted during the most recent generation of peer relations research is organized and reviewed in relation to two types of research objectives: (a) enduring agendas--aims from past research generations that have continued to serve as an impetus for empirical investigation during the 1990s--and (b) innovative agendas--newly emergent objectives that are predicated on novel conceptual issues or ongoing research controversies and deficiencies. This profile of continuity and change in investigators' research agendas provides a platform for delineating and analyzing recent empirical accomplishments in the field of peer relations research.

[1]  A. Fonzi,et al.  Predicting children's friendship status from their dyadic interaction in structured situations of potential conflict. , 1997, Child development.

[2]  Barry H. Schneider,et al.  A Cross‐Cultural Exploration of the Stability of Children's Friendships and the Predictors of their Continuation , 1997 .

[3]  C. Herrera,et al.  Early experiences with family conflict: implications for arguments with a close friend. , 1997, Developmental psychology.

[4]  R. Fabes,et al.  Roles of temperamental arousal and gender-segregated play in young children's social adjustment. , 1997, Developmental psychology.

[5]  G. Ladd,et al.  Classroom peer acceptance, friendship, and victimization: distinct relational systems that contribute uniquely to children's school adjustment? , 1997, Child development.

[6]  B. Fagot Attachment, parenting, and peer interactions of toddler children. , 1997, Developmental psychology.

[7]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Mothers' social coaching, mother-child relationship style, and children's peer competence: is the medium the message? , 1997, Child development.

[8]  M. Reiser,et al.  The relations of regulation and emotionality to resiliency and competent social functioning in elementary school children. , 1997, Child development.

[9]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Subtypes of social withdrawal in early childhood: sociometric status and social-cognitive differences across four years. , 1997, Child development.

[10]  M. Boivin,et al.  Peer experiences and social self-perceptions: a sequential model. , 1997, Developmental psychology.

[11]  N. Eisenberg,et al.  The relations of regulation and emotionality to problem behavior in elementary school children , 1996, Development and Psychopathology.

[12]  J. Parker,et al.  Interpersonal processes in friendship: A comparison of abused and nonabused children's experiences. , 1996 .

[13]  N. Crick,et al.  Relational aggression, overt aggression, and friendship. , 1996, Child development.

[14]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Patterns of change in early childhood aggressive-disruptive behavior: gender differences in predictions from early coercive and affectionate mother-child interactions. , 1996, Child development.

[15]  J. Parker,et al.  Behavioral, affective, and social correlates of involvement in cross-sex friendship in elementary school. , 1996, Child development.

[16]  R. Parke,et al.  Reciprocal negative affect in parent-child interactions and children's peer competency. , 1996, Child development.

[17]  N. Crick,et al.  The role of overt aggression, relational aggression, and prosocial behavior in the prediction of children's future social adjustment. , 1996, Child development.

[18]  J. Parker,et al.  Forming, losing, renewing, and replacing friendships: Applying temporal parameters to the assessment of children's friendship experiences. , 1996 .

[19]  Steven J. Kirsh,et al.  Attachment and representations of peer relationships , 1996 .

[20]  E. V. Hodges,et al.  Preoccupied and Avoidant Coping during Middle Childhood , 1996 .

[21]  S. Asher,et al.  Children's social goals and self-efficacy perceptions as influences on their responses to ambiguous provocation. , 1996, Child development.

[22]  S. Harter,et al.  The interpersonal context of emotion: anger with close friends and classmates. , 1996, Child development.

[23]  G. Ladd,et al.  Peer victimization: cause or consequence of school maladjustment? , 1996, Child development.

[24]  N. Eisenberg,et al.  Getting angry at peers: associations with linking of the provocateur. , 1996, Child development.

[25]  K. Dodge,et al.  Social information-processing mechanisms in reactive and proactive aggression. , 1996, Child development.

[26]  G. Ladd,et al.  Friendship quality as a predictor of young children's early school adjustment. , 1996, Child development.

[27]  I. Waldman,et al.  Aggressive boys' hostile perceptual and response biases: the role of attention and impulsivity. , 1996, Child development.

[28]  R. Cohen,et al.  Behavior segmentation by boys as a function of aggressiveness and prior information. , 1996, Child development.

[29]  J. Coie,et al.  A comparison of aggressive-rejected and nonaggressive-rejected children's interpretations of self-directed and other-directed rejection. , 1996, Child development.

[30]  J. Dunn,et al.  Young children's understanding of other people's beliefs and feelings and their connected communication with friends. , 1996 .

[31]  K. Kerns,et al.  Peer Relationships and Preadolescents' Perceptions of Security in the Child-Mother Relationship. , 1996 .

[32]  T. J. Berndt,et al.  Exploring the effects of friendship quality on social development. , 1996 .

[33]  G. Ladd,et al.  Linkages between friendship and adjustment during early school transitions , 1996 .

[34]  W. Hartup,et al.  The Company They Keep: Friendship in Childhood and Adolescence. , 1996 .

[35]  Kenneth H. Rubin,et al.  Frontal activation asymmetry and social competence at four years of age. , 1995, Child development.

[36]  C. Hammen,et al.  Cognitive representations of self, family, and peers in school-age children: links with social competence and sociometric status. , 1995, Child development.

[37]  Kenneth H. Rubin,et al.  Social Functioning and Adjustment in Chinese Children: A Longitudinal Study , 1995 .

[38]  K. Wentzel,et al.  The academic lives of neglected, rejected, popular, and controversial children. , 1995, Child development.

[39]  N. Crick,et al.  Relational aggression, gender, and social-psychological adjustment. , 1995, Child development.

[40]  C. Patterson,et al.  Childhood aggression and peer relations in the context of family and neighborhood factors. , 1995, Child development.

[41]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Mothers' supervision of their children's peer play: Relations with beliefs, perceptions, and knowledge. , 1995 .

[42]  B. Black,et al.  Links between Communication Patterns in Mother‐Child, Father‐Child, and Child‐Peer Interactions and Children's Social Status , 1995 .

[43]  Phil A. Silva,et al.  Temperamental origins of child and adolescent behavior problems: from age three to age fifteen. , 1995, Child development.

[44]  C. Patterson,et al.  Children's academic and behavioral adjustment as a function of the chronicity and proximity of peer rejection. , 1994, Child development.

[45]  K. Kerns,et al.  A Longitudinal Examination of Links between Mother-Child Attachment and Children's Friendships in Early Childhood , 1994 .

[46]  M. Lamb,et al.  A cross-contextual analysis of boys' social competence: From family to school. , 1994 .

[47]  K. Dodge,et al.  A review and reformulation of social information-processing mechanisms in children's social adjustment. , 1994 .

[48]  R. Cairns,et al.  Lifelines and Risks: Pathways of Youth in our Time , 1994 .

[49]  D. Vandell,et al.  Peer social status and friendship: independent contributors to children's social and academic adjustment , 1994 .

[50]  J. Gottman,et al.  Patterns of marital conflict predict children's internalizing and externalizing behaviors. , 1993 .

[51]  N. Eisenberg,et al.  The relations of emotionality and regulation to preschoolers' social skills and sociometric status. , 1993, Child development.

[52]  P. Renshaw,et al.  Loneliness in Middle Childhood: Concurrent and Longitudinal Predictors , 1993 .

[53]  Steven R. Asher,et al.  Friendship and Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood: Links with Peer Group Acceptance and Feelings of Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction. , 1993 .

[54]  E. Woody,et al.  Aggressive versus withdrawn unpopular children: variations in peer and self-perceptions in multiple domains. , 1993, Child development.

[55]  W. Hartup,et al.  Conflict and friendship relations in middle childhood: behavior in a closed-field situation. , 1993, Child development.

[56]  R. Holt,et al.  Preschoolers' likability as cause or consequence of their social behavior. , 1993 .

[57]  K. Lay,et al.  Individual Differences and Developmental Changes in Preschoolers' Friendships. , 1993 .

[58]  K. Bierman,et al.  Characteristics of aggressive-rejected, aggressive (nonrejected), and rejected (nonaggressive) boys. , 1993, Child development.

[59]  S. Graham,et al.  An attributional intervention to reduce peer-directed aggression among African-American boys. , 1993, Child development.

[60]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Children's aggressive and socially unskilled playground behavior with peers: Origins in early family relations. , 1993 .

[61]  Kenneth H. Rubin,et al.  Social Withdrawal, inhibition, and Shyness in Childhood , 1993 .

[62]  Kenneth H. Rubin,et al.  Social Reputation and Peer Relationships in Chinese and Canadian Children: A Cross‐cultural Study , 1992 .

[63]  K. Dodge,et al.  Social information processing in aggressive and depressed children. , 1992, Child development.

[64]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Some consequences of early harsh discipline: child aggression and a maladaptive social information processing style. , 1992, Child development.

[65]  G. Ladd,et al.  Creating Informal Play Opportunities: Are Parents' and Preschoolers' Initiations Related to Children's Competence with Peers?. , 1992 .

[66]  J. Coie,et al.  Predicting early adolescent disorder from childhood aggression and peer rejection. , 1992, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

[67]  Diane Jones,et al.  Friendship as a facilitator of emotional responsiveness and prosocial interventions among young children. , 1992 .

[68]  W. Hartup,et al.  Heterogeneity among Peer-Rejected Boys: Subtypes and Stabilities. , 1992 .

[69]  C. Hart,et al.  Maternal and paternal disciplinary styles: relations with preschoolers' playground behavioral orientations and peer status. , 1992, Child development.

[70]  J. Belsky,et al.  Parent-Child Antecedents of 5-Year-Olds' Close Friendships: A Longitudinal Analysis. , 1992 .

[71]  J. Cassidy,et al.  Family-peer connections: the roles of emotional expressiveness within the family and children's understanding of emotions. , 1992, Child development.

[72]  J. Cassidy,et al.  Loneliness and peer relations in young children. , 1992, Child development.

[73]  M. Boulton,et al.  Bully/victim problems among middle school children. , 1992, The British journal of educational psychology.

[74]  J. Garber,et al.  Role of aggression, rejection, and attributions in the prediction of depression in children , 1992, Development and Psychopathology.

[75]  Richard A. Fabes,et al.  Emotion, regulation, and the development of social competence. , 1992 .

[76]  L. Sroufe,et al.  Predicting peer competence and peer relationships in childhood from early parent-child relationships: Modes of linkage , 1992 .

[77]  K. Rook,et al.  Compensatory Patterns of Support Among Children's Peer Relationships: A Test Using School Friends, Nonschool Friends, and Siblings. , 1992, Developmental psychology.

[78]  J. Asendorpf Development of inhibited children's coping with unfamiliarity. , 1991, Child development.

[79]  K. Dodge,et al.  The role of aggression in peer relations: an analysis of aggression episodes in boys' play groups. , 1991, Child development.

[80]  K. Bierman,et al.  Aggression, Hyperactivity, and Inattention-Immaturity: Behavior Dimensions Associated with Peer Rejection in Elementary School Boys. , 1991 .

[81]  Steven R. Asher,et al.  Peer rejection in childhood. , 1991 .

[82]  D. French Heterogeneity of Peer‐rejected Girls , 1990 .

[83]  Kenneth H. Rubin,et al.  Children's Peer Relationships: Longitudinal Prediction of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems from Middle to Late Childhood. , 1990 .

[84]  Lisa A. Lenhart,et al.  Automatic versus Reflective Social Problem Solving in Relation to Children's Sociometric Status. , 1990 .

[85]  G. S. Pettit,et al.  Peer status and aggression in boys' groups: developmental and contextual analyses. , 1990, Child development.

[86]  J. Coie,et al.  Preadolescent peer status, aggression, and school adjustment as predictors of externalizing problems in adolescence. , 1990, Child development.

[87]  C. Patterson,et al.  Children's perceptions of self and of relationships with others as a function of sociometric status. , 1990, Child development.

[88]  G. Ladd Having friends, keeping friends, making friends, and being liked by peers in the classroom: predictors of children's early school adjustment? , 1990, Child development.

[89]  T. Dishion The family ecology of boys' peer relations in middle childhood. , 1990, Child development.

[90]  C. Howes,et al.  Peer interactions and friendships in an ethnically diverse school setting. , 1990, Child development.

[91]  E. Maccoby,et al.  Gender and relationships. A developmental account. , 1990, The American psychologist.

[92]  D. A. Cohn Child-mother attachment of six-year-olds and social competence at school. , 1990, Child development.

[93]  B. Burleson,et al.  Children's expectations of the outcomes of social strategies; relations with sociometric status and maternal disciplinary styles. , 1990, Child development.

[94]  K. Dodge,et al.  Peer group behavior and social status. , 1990 .

[95]  G. Ladd,et al.  Toward the development of successful social skills training for preschool children. , 1990 .

[96]  K. Dodge,et al.  Issues in social cognition and sociometric status. , 1990 .

[97]  N. Hazen,et al.  Social Status and Patterns of Communication in Acquainted and Unacquainted Preschool Children. , 1990 .

[98]  H. Ross,et al.  A social relations analysis of toddler peer relationships. , 1989, Child development.

[99]  W. Bukowski,et al.  Popularity and friendship: Issues in theory, measurement, and outcome. , 1989 .

[100]  C. Howes Peer interaction of young children , 1989 .

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[102]  D. G. Perry,et al.  Victims of Peer Aggression. , 1988 .

[103]  G. Ladd,et al.  Predicting Preschoolers' Peer Status from Their Playground Behaviors , 1988 .

[104]  J. Parker,et al.  Peer relations and later personal adjustment: are low-accepted children at risk? , 1987, Psychological bulletin.

[105]  T. J. Berndt,et al.  Changes in friendship during a school year: Effects on children's and adolescents' impressions of friendship and sharing with friends. , 1986 .

[106]  T. J. Berndt,et al.  Children's Perceptions of Friendships as Supportive Relationships. , 1986 .

[107]  D. Buhrmester,et al.  Children's perceptions of the personal relationships in their social networks. , 1985 .

[108]  W. Furman,et al.  What’s the Point? Issues in the Selection of Treatment Objectives , 1985 .

[109]  G. Ladd,et al.  A cognitive-social learning model of social-skill training. , 1983, Psychological review.

[110]  John M. Gottman,et al.  How Children Become Friends. , 1983 .

[111]  G. Ladd Effectiveness of a social learning method for enhancing children's social interaction and peer acceptance. , 1981, Child development.

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[113]  E. Cowen,et al.  Long-term follow-up of early detected vulnerable children. , 1973, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

[114]  S. B. Sells,et al.  Juvenile delinquency in relation to peer acceptance‐rejection and socio‐economic status , 1968 .

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